2006 - 2009 Assistant Director, Centre for Innovation and Enterprise, Republic Polytechnic
2004 - 2006 Chief Executive Officer, PosiTel
2002 - 2004 Managing Consultant, NOVUS Innovations
2001 - 2002 Consultant, Accenture
1999 - 2001 Research Fellow, Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology
1993 - 1998 Engineering Manager, ATZ-EVUS
Selected Publications
Journal Papers:
Zheng Hongyu, Eric Gan and G.C. Lim, “Investigation of Laser Via Formation Technology for the Manufacturing of High Density Substrates”, Journal of Lasers & Optics in Engineering, 36, 4, pp. 355-371, 2001
K. Schutte, E.K.W. Gan, J. Koch, A. Lang, M. Hartmann, R. Mayerhofer, T. Slunecko and H.W. Bergmann, “A Copper Vapour Laser MOPA-Chain for Highly Efficient and Precise Material Removal”, SPIE, 3092, pp. 281-284, 1996
H.W. Bergmann, R. Mayerhofer, T. Slunecko, M. Hartmann and E. Gan, “Improved Drilling and Cutting with Copper Vapour Lasers”, Proc. CLEO ‘94, paper CThE3, 1994.
Conference Papers:
Eric Gan Kok Wah (2014), The Construction and Personnel Training Model of IPOS’ IP Competency Framework (IPCF), High-Profile Seminar on IP Service, CIPTC, Beijing, China
Eric Gan Kok Wah (2012), IP Regime in Singapore – KeyAreas of Focus and Programmes, Patent Information Annual Conference (PIAC), Beijing, China
Eric K.W. Gan, Zheng H.Y. and Lim G.C. (2000), Laser Drilling of Micro-Vias in PCB Substrates, IEEE Proc. 3rd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, pp.321-326
Zheng Hongyu, Eric Gan and Lim Gnian Cher (2000),ATechnical Review of Laser Micro-Drilling Technologies for PCB Substrates, Electronic Manufacturing Technical Conference
H.W. Bergmann, M. Hartmann, T. Slunecko, E.K.W. Gan and K. Schutte (1996), Copper Vapour Laser for Fast Precision Machining, Proc. EUROPTO ’96.