2021 Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
2017 B.Sc., Maritime Studies (First Class Honours), Nanyang Technological University
Academic and Professional Experience
2022 - Present Lecturer, School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2021 - 2022 Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore
Selected Publications
Wan, J.1 and Zhu, S.1,*, 2024. Cost-sensitive graph convolutional network with self-paced learning for hit-and-run analysis. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(2), pp.1675-1690.
Shen, X., Chen, J.*, Zhu, S. and Yan, R., 2024. A decentralized federated learning-based spatial–temporal model for freight traffic speed forecasting. Expert Systems with Applications, 238, p.122302.
Zhu, S., Cai, Y., Wang, M., Wang, H. and Meng, Q.*, 2023. How will China-Singapore International Land-Sea Trade Corridor affect route choice behaviour? A discrete choice model. Transport Policy, 135, pp.1-10.
Zhu, S., Jia, S., Sun, Q. and Meng, Q.*, 2023. An empirical study of China–Singapore International Land–Sea Trade Corridor: Analysis from supply and demand sides. Transport Policy, 135, pp.1-10.
Shen, X., Chen, J.*, Zhu, S. and Yu, X., 2023. A data-driven inspection method for identifying container bookings with concealed hazardous materials. Engineering Optimization, pp.1-21.
Zhao, H., Yu, N.*, Zhu, S., 2023. International Land-Sea Trade Corridor for Sustainable Transportation: A Review of Recent Literature. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, p.100089.
Wan, J.1 and Zhu, S.1,*, 2023. Crash severity analysis with cost-sensitive graph convolutional networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19 (6), pp.7528-7540.
Tan, S.* and Zhu, S., 2023. Binary search of the optimal cut-point value in ROC analysis using the F1 score. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2609 (1), p. 012002.
Zhu, S. and Meng, Q.*, 2022. What can we learn from autonomous vehicle collision data on crash severity? A cost-sensitive CART approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 174, p.106769.
Wan, J.1 and Zhu, S.1,*, 2022. Cross-city crash severity analysis with cost-sensitive transfer learning algorithm. Expert Systems With Applications, 208, p.118129.
Zhu, S., 2022. Comparative study of statistical and machine learning methods for streetcar incident duration analysis. International Journal of Crashworthiness, pp.1-6.
Zhu, S. and Wan, J.*, 2021. Cost-sensitive learning for semi-supervised hit-and-run analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 158, p.106199.
Zhu, S., 2021. Analysis of the severity of vehicle-bicycle crashes with data mining techniques. Journal of Safety Research, 76, pp.218-227.
Zhu, S., 2021. Analyse vehicle-pedestrian crash severity at intersection with data mining techniques. International Journal of Crashworthiness, pp.1-9.
Zhu, S., 2021. Optimal fleet deployment strategy: Model the effect of shared e-bikes on bike-sharing system. Journal of Advanced Transportation, pp.1-12.
Zhu, S., 2020. Stochastic bi-objective optimisation formulation for bike sharing system fleet deployment. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, pp.1-20.
Zhu, S., 2020. Multi-objective route planning problem for cycle-tourists. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, pp.1-9.
Zhu, S. and Zhu, F.*, 2019. Multi-objective bike-way network design problem with space-time accessibility constraint. Transportation, pp.1-25.
Zhu, S. and Zhu, F.*, 2019. Cycling comfort evaluation with instrumented probe bicycle. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 129, pp.217-231.
Note: “1” indicates “common first author”; “*” indicates “corresponding author”
More Information
Journal Reviewer: Accident Analysis & Prevention, Transportation Research E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Expert Systems With Applications
Guest Editor [Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering] -- SI: Network Resilience & System Safety Improvement for Multimodal Transportation
Editorial Board Member: Digital Transportation and Safety
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Member