Educational Qualifications
Advanced Learning and Teaching Certificate (Fellow), Advance HE (UK)
2005 Media and Communications, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Professional Diploma in Asia Pacific Marketing, Marketing Institute of Singapore-NUS
1995 Media and Communications, London School of Economics & Political Science, UK
Academic and Professional Experience
Deputy Head of Programme (Communication), Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Senior Lecturer, Communication Programme, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Singapore Discipline (Media and Communication), Murdoch University, (Singapore Office)
Asst Director (Special Projects), Communications Division, Media Development Authority Singapore
Deputy Director (Industry Development), Creative Industries Division, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts
Assistant Director (several portfolios), Media Development Authority, Singapore
Assistant Director (Industry Development), SME (Public Service Broadcast), Singapore Broadcasting Authority
Research Associate, Survey Research Singapore-AC Nielsen; Outbound Producer (CNNI London).
Selected Publications
Lim, T. (2024, 26 November)
Post-COVID Changing Perceptions of the Creative Economy in Singapore: Stakeholder Perspectives (2020 - 2024) (conference paper), The Inside-out” approach to Identity and Creativity in Singapore”. Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand Communication Association (AANZCA) Conference, 25-27 November 2024, RMIT, Australia.
Xu, E., Lim, T., & Lee, H. (2024)
Stakeholder engagement and chaotic narrative spaces: Singapore’s COVID-19 outbreak in foreign-worker dormitories. Communication Research and Practice, 10(2), 129–147.
Fong, S. Y., & Lim, T. (2024).
Regional partnerships and media policy in the age of China’s rise: the case of Singapore-China film co-productions. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 1–15.
Lim, T., Mwagwabi, F., Nallor, J. & Khan, S.T. (2023, 22 November).
Digital Inclusion or Exclusion of Older Adults in a Post-COVID Era: Comparison of Singapore and Dubai (conference paper). Australia and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA), 21-24 November 2023, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand.
Tan, E., Mwagwabi, F., Lim, T., & Lim, A. (2023).
Graduate employability concerns amidst a crisis: Student perspectives from Singapore on COVID-19. Industry and Higher Education, 37(3), 370-383.
Lim, A.J., Tan, E. & Lim, T. (2021)
Infodemic: the effect of death-related thoughts on news-sharing. Cognition Research 6, 39.
Zhang, W., Lim, T., & Lee, T. (2021).
Disruptive information technologies and society: evidence from digital China. Chinese Journal of Communication, 14(1), 1–4.
Mwagwabi, F. & Lim, T. (2021)
Improving quality of life perceptions in older adults with ICT use for leisure. 2021 US-ARI conference on Leisure for Older Adults in Asia, (conference paper). Singapore.
Lim, T., Lee, T., & Zhang, W. (2020)
Editorial and Critical Reflections on the future of identity moments social media in China and beyond. Global Media and China, 5(3), 215-227.
Lim, T., Bali, A., & Moo, M. (2019).
New digital realities and old public service broadcasting models – the case of public access and participation in Singapore’s televisual landscape. Media International Australia, 170(1), 100-114.
Lim, T. (2019).
Managing Digital Platforms in the age of Chinese streaming services in Southeast Asia,10th International Research Symposium in Service Management@ Dubai (IRSSM-10)
Flew, T., Lim, T. (2019).
Assessing Policy I: Stakeholder Analysis. In: Van den Bulck, H., Puppis, M., Donders, K., Van Audenhove, L. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Methods for Media Policy Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Tan, E. Abu Bakar, B., Lim, T., Nair, S. (2018)
Hijababes travel: Insights from Asian female Muslim millennial travelers.Proceedings of the Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Conference 2018. Newcastle, New South Wales: University of Newcastle. On Research Gate.
Tan, E. and Lim, T. (2017)
Consuming Asia: Culinary tourism, soft power and mediation of Peranakan TV, 3rdGlobal Tourism and Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong SAR. Available on
Lim, T. (2008).
Renting East Asian Popular Culture for Local Television: Regional Networks of Cultural production. In: Beng Huat Chua & Koichi Iwabuchi (eds)East Asian Pop Culture: Analysing the Korean Wave. Hong Kong University Press.Google Books | East Asian Pop Culture: Analysing the Korean Wave | Page 33
Lim, T. (2005)
Formatting and Change in East Asian Television Industries: Media Globalization and Regional Dynamics, Ph.D. thesis, Queensland University of Technology,