Educational Qualifications
2012 | PhD (Geography), Royal Holloway, University of London, UK |
2006 | Masters of Social Science (Geography), National University of Singapore |
2004 | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons), National University of Singapore |
Academic and Professional Experience
2024 - Present | Provost's Chair, Singapore University of Social Sciences |
2023 - Present | Senior Lecturer, College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences |
2021 -2024 | Adjunct Faculty, College of Integrative Studies, Singapore Management University |
2020 - 2023 | Visiting Fellow, Center of Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Japan |
2019 - 2021 | Associate Professor, School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-Sen University, China |
2019 -2022 | Visiting Fellow, Core Curriculum, Singapore Management University |
2013 - 2019 | Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore |
2012 - 2013 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA |
2006 - 2008 | Research Assistant (Full-Time), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Clusters, National University of Singapore |
2006 | Senior Officer, Economic Development Board, Singapore |
Selected Publications
- Cheong, Y. S., Sin, H. L. and Chang, T. C. (forthcoming) If not now, then never”: Conceptualising the grad trip”, Tourist Studies.
- Cheong, Y. S. and Sin, H. L. (2022) Going on holiday to come home: Understanding Singaporean families through studying tourism, Tourism Geographies, 23(4): 765-786.
- Montefrio, M. and Sin, H. L. (2021) Between Food and Spectacle: The Complex Reconfigurations of Rural Production in Agritourism, Geoforum, 126: 383-393.
- Sin, H. L., Mostafanezhad, M. and Cheer, J. (2021) Tourism Geographies in the “Asian Century”, Tourism Geographies, 23(4): 649-658.
- Sin, H. L., 徐红罡 (2021) 国际旅游地理的最新进展, 中国生态旅游, 11(1): 66-77. Sin H. L, Xu H. (2021) Progress in international tourism geography, Ecotourism, 11(1): 66-77.
- Mostafanezhad, M., Cheer, J., and Sin, H. L (2020) Geopolitical anxieties of tourism: (Im)mobilities of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(2): 182-186.
- Sin, H. L. and Yang, Y. (2020) In China, drink as the Chinese do: Methodological considerations of alcohol consumption in research and fieldwork. Social and Cultural Geography, 21(7): 1029-1036.
- Montefrio, M. and Sin, H. L. (2019) Elite governance of agritourism in the Philippines, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(9): 1338-1354.
- Sin, H. L., He, S. (2019) Volunteering internationally on Facebook and Instagram: Photography and social media on constructing the “Third World” experience, Tourist Studies, 19(2): 215-237.
- Sin, H. L. (2017) Selling ethics: Discourses of responsibility in tourism, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(1): 218-234.
- Sin, H. L. (2015) “You're not doing work, you're on Facebook!”: Ethics of encountering the field through social media, Professional Geographer, 67(4): 676-685.
- Sin, H. L., Oakes, T., and Mostafanezhad, M. (2015) Traveling for a cause: Critical examinations of volunteer tourism and social justice, Tourist Studies, 15(1): 1-12.
- Yea, S., Sin, H. L., and Griffiths, M. (2018) International volunteerism and development in Asia-Pacific, Geographical Journal, 184(2): 110-114.
- Sin, H. L. (2014) Realities in doing responsibilities: Performances and practices in tourism, Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 96(2): 141-157.
- Sin, H. L. and Minca, C. (2014) Touring responsibility: the trouble with ‘going local’ in community based tourism in Thailand, Geoforum, 51: 96-106
- Sin, H. L. (2010) Who are we responsible to? “Locals” tales of volunteer tourism, Geoforum, 41(6), 983-992.
- Sin, H. L. (2009) Volunteer tourism – “Involve me and I will learn”?, Annals of Tourism Research, 36(3), 480-501.