Educational Qualifications

Specialist Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Higher Education), NIE-NYP

PhD (Computing), Curtin University of Technology, Australia

BEng (Computing), University of Sheffield, U.K.

Academic and Professional Experience

2024 - Present
Senior Lecturer, School of Science and Technology

2011 - 2023
Senior Specialist (IoT) and Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, NYP

2001 - 2006
Senior Network and Security Engineer, Hewlett-Packard (HP)

1998 - 2001
Network Engineer, Compaq Computers

1996 - 1998
Systems and Network Engineer, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

1990 - 1993
Customer Engineer, Automated Systems Pte. Ltd.

1989 - 1989
Engineering Assistant, National Semiconductor Pte. Ltd.

Selected Publications

R.C. Loh, S.L. Kan, K.W. Ang, A.L. Ong (2021)
"Next-Generation "EXIT" Signs to Save Lives", The 5th IEEE International Conference of Smart Internet-of-Things, 2021

R.C. Loh, S.L. Kan, K.W. Ang, E. Sim, E.M. Kan, J.J. Yong, S.W. Hing (2018)

"Secured IoT Gateway For Smart Nation Applications", 14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2018

R.C. Loh, S.L. Kan, K.P. Ng, K.W. Ang, J.J. Yong, S.W. Hing (2017)
“A Localization Algorithm Using Unique Performance Reference Profiles for Internet-of-Things”, 2nd International Conference on Computer, Network Security and Communication Engineering, 2017 

S.L. Kan, R.C. Loh, K.W. Ang, E. Sim, E.M. Kan (2017)
" A Multi-Factors Security Key Generation Mechanism for IoT", 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2017

R.C. Loh, S. L. Kan, K. W. Ang, E. Sim, E. M. Kan, S. W. Hing (2014)
"Cross Layer Secured IoT Network and Devices”, 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES 2014)

R.C. Loh, S. L. Kan (2014)
“A Secure Multi-Hop Routing for IoT Communication”, IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)

R.C. Loh, W.Y. Kan, S. L. Kan, (2012)
“A User-Controllable Multi-Layer Secure Algorithm for MANET”, IEEE 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC).

R.C. Loh, S. Soh, M. Lazarescu, (2011)
"Addressing the Most Reliable Edge-Disjoint Paths with Delay Constraint Problem", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, March 2011.

R.C. Loh, S. Soh, M. Lazarescu, (2010)
“Maximizing Bandwidth Using Disjoint Paths”, 24th IEEE Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA).

R.C. Loh, S. Soh, M. Lazarescu, (2009)
"Edge Disjoint Paths with Minimum Delay Subject to Reliability Constraint", 15th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC).

R.C. Loh, S. Soh, M. Lazarescu, (2009)
"An Approach to Find Maximal Disjoint Paths with Reliability and Delay Constraints", 23rd IEEE Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA).

R.C. Loh, S. Soh, M. Lazarescu, S. Rai, (2008)
"A Greedy Technique for Finding the Most Reliable Edge-disjoint-path-set in a Network", 14th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC).

R.C. Loh, (2009)
“Evaluating Reliability in Computer Communications”. Poster, Curtin Engineering & Computing Research Colloquium, (CECRC).

R.C. Loh, S. Soh, M. Lazarescu, (2008)
"Finding the Best Approximate Multi-Constrained QoS Edge-disjoint-path-set", 9th Postgraduate Elec. Eng. and Comp. Symp., (PEECS).

R.C. Loh, S. Soh, M. Lazarescu, (2007)
"Finding the most reliable edge-disjoint-path-set in a communication network", 8th Postgraduate Elec. Eng. and Comp. Symp., (PEECS).

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