2024 - present Associate Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2024 - present Head, International Trade Management Minor, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2022 - 2023 Senior Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2017 - 2021 Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2016 - 2017 Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2014 - 2016 Assistant Manager, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Selected Publications
Refereed Journals:
Loh, H.S, Lee, J.L., Gu, Y., Chen, H.S. and Tay, H.L. (2024). The effects of digital platforms on customers’ satisfaction in international shipping business. Review of International Business and Strategy.
Zhou, Q., Li, H. and Loh, H.S. (2023). A model for sustainable development of the ship recycling industry: Empirical evidence from China. Sustainable Development. 1–13.
Cai, W., Hong, X., Gu, Y. and Loh, H.S. (2023). An Investigation on the Effectiveness of Mandatory Periodic Truck Safety Inspection Policy in China: A Case Study of Guangdong Province. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 30 (4): 500-523.
Tay, H.L. & Loh, H.S. (2023). Using Lean Six Sigma to Improve the Inbound Logistics Process: A Case Study of a Third-party Logistics Provider. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy.
Gu, Y., Liu, W. and Loh, H.S. (2022). Port Efficiency Based on the Super-Efficiency EBM-DEA-SDM Model: Empirical Evidence from China. Future Transportation, 3 (1): 23-37.
Yuen K.F., Tan, L. and Loh, H.S. (2022). Core Competencies for Maritime Business Educators in the Digital Era. Frontiers in Psychology, 13
Ha, H., Loh, H.S., Gay, H.T.E. and Yeap, P.F. (2021). Consumer protection in E-tailing computer sales: a case study of Dell. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 35(3): 246-269.
Tay, H.L. and Loh, H.S. (2021). Digital transformations and supply chain management: a Lean Six Sigma perspective. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 7(3): 222-238.
Essi, M.S., Chen, Y., Loh, H.S. and Gu, Y. (2021). Enhancing productivity of ship chandlers’ trucks at the port for sustainability. Maritime Business Review (forthcoming)
Gu, Y., Loh, H.S. and Yap, W.Y. (2020). Sustainable port-hinterland intermodal development: Opportunities and challenges for China and India. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 4 (2): 228-248.
Zhou, Y., Soh, Y.S. Loh, H.S., Yuen, K.F. (2020). The key challenges and critical success factors of blockchain implementation: Policy implications for Singapore’s maritime industry, 122: 104265.
Loh, H.S., Yuen, K.F., Wang, X., Surucu-Balci, E., Balci, G., and Zhou, Q. (2020). Airport selection criteria of low-cost carriers: A fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Journal of Air Transport Management, 83:101759.
Zhang, G., Thai, V.V., Law, A.W., Yuen, K.F., Loh, H.S., Zhou, Q. (2020). Quantitative Risk Assessment of Seafarers’ Nonfatal Injuries Due to Occupational Accidents Based on Bayesian Network Modeling. Risk Analysis, 40(1): 8-23.
Yap, W.Y., Loh, H.S. (2019). Next generation mega container ports: implications of traffic composition on sea space demand. Maritime Policy and Management, 46 (6): 687-700.
Zhou, Q., Wong, Y.D., Loh, H.S., Yuen, K.F. (2019). ANFIS model for assessing near-miss risk during tanker shipping voyages. Maritime Policy and Management, 46 (4): 377-393.
Zhou, Q., Wong, Y.D., Loh, H.S., Yuen, K.F. (2018). A fuzzy and Bayesian network CREAM model for human reliability analysis–The case of tanker shipping. Safety Science, 105: 149-157.
Yuen, K.F., Loh, H.S., Zhou, Q. and Wong, Y.D., (2018). Determinants of job satisfaction and performance of seafarers. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 110: 1-12.
Zhang, G., Thai, V.V., Yuen, K.F., Loh, H.S., Zhou, Q. (2018). Addressing the epistemic uncertainty in maritime accidents modelling using Bayesian network with interval probabilities. Safety Science, 102: 211-225.
Loh, H.S., Thai, V.V., Wong, Y.D., Yuen, K.F. & Zhou, Q. (2017). Portfolio of Port-Centric Supply Chain Disruption Threats. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 28(4): pp. 1368-1386.
Zhou, Q., Wong, Y.D., Xu, H., Thai, V.V., Loh, H.S. & Yuen, K.F. (2017). An enhanced CREAM with stakeholder-graded protocols for tanker shipping safety application. Safety Science, 95: pp. 140-147.
Loh, H. S., Zhou, Q., Thai, V. V., Wong, Y. D., & Yuen, K. F. (2017). Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of portcentric supply chain disruption threats. Ocean & Coastal Management, 148: pp. 53-62.
Loh, H.S. & Thai, V.V. (2016). Managing Port-related Supply Chain Disruptions (PSCDs): A Management Model and Empirical Evidence. Maritime Policy and Management, 43(4): pp. 436-455.
Loh, H.S. & Thai, V.V. (2015). Cost Consequences of a Port-Related Supply Chain Disruption. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 31(3): pp. 319-340.
Zhang, A., Loh, H.S. & Thai, V.V. (2015). Impacts of Global Manufacturing Trends on Port Development: The Case of Hong Kong. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 31(1), pp. 135-159.
Loh H.S. & Thai, V.V. (2015). Management of Disruptions by Seaports: Preliminary Findings. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 27(1): pp. 146-162
Loh, H.S. & Thai, V.V. (2014). Managing Port-related Supply Chain Disruptions: A Conceptual Paper. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30(1): pp. 97-116
Refereed Conference Papers:
Loh, H.S., Lopez, M.C.R. & M.H. Lee (2023). Consumer Behaviour in Circular Food Supply Chain. The 13th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2023. Finland.
Tay, H.L., Chen, H.S.Y., Gasper, N.L. & Loh, H.S. (2023). A Framework for Strategic Supplier Selection and Engagement for Humanitarian Organisations. The 17th International Congress on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Seoul, South Korea.
Rojas Lopez, M.C., Loh, H.S. (2023). Last-Mile Delivery Innovations for Parcels Collection in Singapore. In: Eijdenberg, E.L., Mukherjee, M., Wood, J. (eds) Innovation-Driven Business and Sustainability in the Tropics. SEIGOP 2023. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-2909-2_22
Tan, Y.N.A., Loh, H.S. & Lopez, M.C.R. (2022). Digitalisation Implementation in Singapore’s Maritime Companies. The 12th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2022. Krabi, Thailand.
Yap W.Y., Loh, H.S. and Chang, Y. (2019). Mega Container Ports: Implications for Maritime Traffic Management from the Perspective of Sea Space. 27th International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference. Athens, Greece.
Loh, H. S. and V. V. Thai (2013). Supply Chain Disruption Management from the Port’s Perspective. The International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME). Marseille, France.
Loh, H. S. and V. V. Thai (2012). The Role of Ports in Supply Chain Disruption Management. International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA). Hong Kong
Book Chapters:
Ha, H. and Loh, H.S. (2020). NTUC FairPrice supermarket and cooperatives in Singapore. In Altman, M., Jensen, A., Kurimoto, A., Tulus, R., Dongre, Y. and Jang, S. (Eds.). Waking the Asian Pacific Co-Operative Potential (pp. 215-224).
Ha, H. and Loh, H. S. (2019). The Positive Impacts of the Adoption of the Internet on the Traditional Roles of Vietnamese Women n Antonio L Rappa, ed., Women in Asia: Modernity, Gender and Development, Journal of African and Asian Local Governmental Studies, 5(1) (online).
Ha, H. and Loh, H.S. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability in tourism. In Gursoy, D. and Chi, C.G (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Destination Marketing (pp. 383-395).
Ha, H. and Loh, H.S. (2018). Climate Change Management: Perspectives from Some Industries in the Context of Asia. In Ha, H. (Ed.). Climate Change Management: Special Topics in the Context of Asia (pp. 1-16). New York: Business Expert Press.
More Information
Associate Member, The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH)