Educational Qualifications

  • 2014

    PhD (Marketing), University of Adelaide

  • 2010

    Bachelor of Commerce (First Class Honours)

  • 2009

    Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)

Academic and Professional Experience

  • 2018 - Present

    Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences

  • 2015 - 2018

    Assistant Professor, Open University of Hong Kong

Selected Publications

  • Yap, W.Y., and Ho, J. (2021). Port strategy and performance: empirical evidence from major container ports and implications for role of data analytics. Maritime Policy & Management, December. DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2021.2017040
  • Ho, J., and Plewa, C. (2020) “Recipes for new product success: The interplay between orientations and environmental turbulence”. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35(8), pp.1345-1357.
  • Conduit, C., Plewa, C., Ho, J., and Lu, V.N. (2017) “Facilitating student interaction capabilities: the interplay of individual, group, and course-related factors”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 25(2), pp.114-127.
  • Ho, J., Plewa, C., and Lu, V.N. (2016) “Examining strategic orientation complementarity using MRA and fsQCA”, Journal of Business Research, 69(6), pp.2199-2205.
  • Plewa, C., Ho, J., Conduit, C., and Karpen, I. (2016) “Reputation in higher education: A fuzzy set analysis of resource configurations”, Journal of Business Research, 69(8), pp.3087-3095.
  • Lu, V., Plewa, C., Ho, J. (2016) “Managing governmental business relationships: The impact of organisational culture difference and compatibility”, Australasian Marketing Journal, 21(1), pp.93-100.


Selected Conference Proceedings

  • Yap, W.Y., and Ho, J. (2021) “Analysis of major container hub port strategies - implications for competitiveness in the post-COVID-19 pandemic landscape,” 29th International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference, 25-27 November, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Ho, J., Plewa, C., and Lu, V.N. (2018) “Recipes for new product success”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 3-5 December, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Kafouros, M., Aliyev, M., Piperopoulos, P., Ho, J., Wong, S.Y.N., Au, A.K.M. (2017) “Institutional development and firm performance across emerging countries: The role of technological and market dynamism”, Academy of International Business, 6-8 April, Reading, United Kingdom.
  • Conduit, J., Plewa, C., Ho, J., and Lu, V.N. (2015) “Facilitating student interaction capabilities through shared values and peer learning”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 30 November - 2 December, Sydney, Australia.*

    * Best paper in the Marketing Education track

  • Ho, J., Plewa, C., and Lu, V.N. (2015) “Examining strategic orientation complementarity using MRA and fsQCA”, Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management Conference, National Chung HsingUniversity, 30-31 July, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Ho, J. (2013) “Customer and competitor orientation as drivers of relationship capabilities: the role of interfunctional coordination and environmental turbulence”, ANZMAC, University of Auckland, 1-4 December, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Ho, J., Plewa, C., Freeman, S., and Lu, V. N. (2012) “Strategic orientations in high-tech firms”, ANZMAC,University of South Australia, 3-5 December, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Ho, J., and Lu, V.N. (2012) “Successful incremental innovation across national borders: insights from internationalised KIBS cases”, Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR), National Chengchi University, 15-18 May, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Ho, J., and Lu, V. N. (2010) “ Business service innovation: a preliminary conceptual framework of success drivers “, ANZMAC, University of Canterbury, 29 November - 1 December, Christchurch, New Zealand.


Book Chapter

  • Plewa, C., Rampersad, G., and Ho, J. (2019). The Dynamics of Managing Evolving University-Industry Linkages. In Developing Engaged and Entrepreneurial Universities (pp.127-148). Springer, Singapore.


Teaching Case

  • Hung, Y.C., & Ho, J. (2024). Forging change together: How Grab works with NGOs to make a difference for sustainability In Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., & Riesenberger, J.R. (Eds), International Business: The New Realities (6th Ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson. (Accepted)

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