Educational Qualifications
PhD Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
MSc Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
PhD Civil Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
BEng Civil Engineering, Huaqiao University, China
Academic and Professional Experience
2022 - Present
Associate Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2017 - 2021
Senior Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2015 - 2017
Startup Founder, Aerostructure Research
2011 - 2014
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington
2010 - 2011
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
2003 - 2010
Graduate Research Assistant, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
1992 - 1998
Structural Engineer, China Post & Telecom (Quanzhou Company)
Selected Publications
He Y, Makeev A.
Nonlinear shear behavior and interlaminar shear strength of unidirectional polymer matrix composites: A numerical study. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2014; 51(6): 1263-1273.
Makeev A, He Y, Schreier H.
Short-beam shear methods for assessment of stress-strain curves for fiberreinforced polymer-matrix composite materials. Strain 2013; 49(5): 440-450.
He Y, Makeev A, Shonkwiler B.
Characterization of nonlinear shear properties for composite materials using digital image correlation and finite element analysis. Composites Science and Technology 2012; 73(1): 64-71.
Makeev A, He Y, Carpentier P, Shonkwiler B.
A method for measurement of multiple constitutive properties for composite materials. Composites Part A 2012; 43(12): 2199-2210.
Makeev A, Ignatius C, He Y, Shonkwiler B.
A test method for assessment of shear properties of thick composites. Journal of Composite Materials 2009; 43(25): 3091-3105.
Aref AJ, Alampalli S, He Y.
Performance of a fiber reinforced polymer web core skew bridge superstructure, Part I: field testing and finite element simulations. Composite Structures 2005; 69(4): 491-499.
Aref AJ, Alampalli S, He Y.
Performance of a fiber reinforced polymer web core skew bridge superstructure, Part II: failure modes and parametric study. Composite Structures 2005; 69(4): 500-509.
He Y, Aref AJ.
An optimization design procedure for fiber reinforced polymer web-core sandwich bridge deck systems. Composite Structures 2003; 60(2): 183-195.
He Y, Aref, AJ.
A semi-analytical procedure for simplified design of bidirectional FRP web-core sandwich bridge decks. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 2002; 3(2): 129-154.
Aref AJ, Alampalli S, He Y.
Ritz-based static analysis method for fiber reinforced plastic rib core skew bridge superstructure. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2001; 127(5): 450-458.