Educational Qualifications


Doctor of Philosophy (Geography), National University of Singapore (NUS)


Master of Engineering (Environmental Engineering), National University of Singapore


Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering), University of Technology Malaysia

Academic and Professional Experience

2024 - PresentTopic Editor, Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T): Water, American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications

2023 - PresentSenior Lecturer, College of Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2022 - 2023

Managing Consultant, (Environmental Impact Assessment), Ramboll Group

2020 - 2022

Lecturer, Tembusu Residential College, NUS (Singapore)

2021 - 2022

Residential Fellow, Ridge View Residential College, NUS

2018 – 2019

Research Fellow, Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

2016 – 2018

Research Fellow, Institute of Water Policy, NUS


Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, NUS

2009 – 2010

Senior Environmental Engineer, CPG Consultants

2006 – 2007

Industrial Engineer, B.BRAUN Medical Industries

2003 – 2006

Civil Engineering Consultant, YAA Consultants

Selected Publications

  • Lee T.H.Y., Chuah C.J., Snyder S.A., 2022. Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Southeast Asian Environments: Present Status, Challenges, and Future Prospects. ACS ES&T Water, 2 (6), 907-931
  • Das S., Sheth A.N., Bansal P., Chuah C.J., Wasson R.J., 2022. A statistical comparison of flood-related economic damage in Indian states with reflections on policy implications, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 72, 102835
  • Ramchunder S.J., Voutchkova D.D., Estrada E.S., Chuah C.J., Evaristo J., Ng D., Cai Y., Koh R.Y.T., Ziegler A.D., 2021. Flowpath influence on stream acid events in tropical urban streams in Singapore, Hydrological Processes, 36, e14467
  • Pak H.Y., Chuah C.J., Yong E.L., Snyder S.A., 2021. Effects of land-use configuration, seasonality and point-source on water quality in a tropical watershed: A case study of Johor River Basin, Science of the Total Environment, 780 (1), 146661
  • Wasson R.J., Ziegler A.D., Lim H.S., Teo E., Lam D., Higgitt D., Rittenour T., Mohamed Ramdzan K.R., Chuah C.J., Singhvi A.K., 2021. Episodically Volatile High Energy Non-Cohesive River-Floodplain Systems: New Information from the Ping River, Thailand, and a Global Review. Geomorphology, 382 (1), 107658
  • Woon S.H.J., Srinuansom K., Chuah C.J., Ramchunder, S.J., Promya J., Ziegler A.D., 2021. Pre-closure assessment of elevated arsenic and other potential environmental constraints to developing aquaculture and fisheries: The case of the Mae Moh mine and power plant, Lampang, Thailand. Chemosphere, 269, 128682
  • Pak H.Y., Chuah C.J., Tan M.L., Yong E.L., Snyder S.A., 2021. A framework for assessing the adequacy of Water Quality Index - Quantifying parameter sensitivity and uncertainties in missing values distribution. Science of the Total Environment, 751, 141982
  • Wasson R., Saikia A., Bansal P., Chuah C.J., 2020. Flood mitigation, climate change adaptation and technological lock-in in Assam. Ecology, Economy and Society, 3 (2): 83-104
  • Qi Z., You S., Liu R., Chuah C.J., 2020. Performance and mechanistic study on electrocoagulation process for municipal wastewater treatment based on horizontal bipolar electrodes. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 14 (3): 40
  • Xing J., Liang H., Chuah C.J., Bao Y., Luo X., Wang T., Wang J., Li G., Snyder S.A., 2019. Insight into Fe(II)/UV/chlorine pre-treatment for reducing ultrafiltration (UF) membrane fouling: Effects of different natural organic fractions and comparison with coagulation. Water Research, 167, 115112
  • Xing J., Liang H., Xu S., Chuah C.J., Luo X., Wang T., Wang J., Li G., Snyder S.A., 2019. Organic matter removal and membrane fouling mitigation during algae-rich surface water treatment by powdered activated carbon adsorption pre-treatment: Enhanced by UV and UV/chlorine oxidation. Water Research, 159: 283-293
  • Lebel L., Lebel P., Chuah C.J., 2019. Water use by inland aquaculture in Thailand: stakeholder perceptions, scientific evidence and public policy. Environmental Management, 63 (4): 554-563
  • Wasson R.J., Jain V., Katuri A., Lahiri S., Parkash S., Singhvi A.K., Varma N., Bansal P., Chuah C.J., 2019. Riverine flood hazard: Disaster risk reduction in India. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 85 (1): 65-76
  • Chuah C.J., Ho B.H., Chow W.T.L., 2018. Trans-boundary variations in urban drought vulnerability and its impact on water resource management in Singapore and Malaysia (Johor). Environmental Research Letters, 13, 074011
  • Lebel L., Lebel P., Chuah C.J., 2018. Governance of aquaculture water use. International Journal of Water Resources Development, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2018.1457513
  • Chuah C.J. and Ziegler A.D., 2018. Temporal variability of faecal contamination from on-site sanitation systems in groundwater of Northern Thailand. Environmental Management, 61 (6): 939-953
  • Chan F.K.S, Chuah C.J., Ziegler A.D., Dabrowski M., Varis, O., 2018. Towards resilient flood risk management for Asian coastal cities: Lessons learned from Hong Kong and Singapore. Journal of Cleaner Production, 187 (20): 576-589
  • Chuah C.J., Tan E.K.H, Sermswan R.W., Ziegler A.D., 2017. Hydrological connectivity and Burkholderia Pseudomallei prevalence in wetland environments: Investigating rice-farming community's risk of exposure to melioidosis in North-East Thailand. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189 (6):287
  • Abdul Majid A.M., Mahboob T., Mong B.G.J., Jaturas N., Richard R.L., Tan T.C., Phimphila A., Mahaphonh P., Aye K.N., Aung W.L., Chuah J., Ziegler A.D., Yasiri A., Sawangjaroen N., Lim Y.A.L., Nissapatorn V., 2016. Pathogenic waterborne free-living amoebae: An update from selected Southeast Asian countries. PLOS ONE, 12 (5): e0177564
  • Chuah C.J., Mukhaidin N., Choy S.H., Smith G.J.D., Mendenhall I.H., Lim Y.A.L., Ziegler A.D., 2016. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in the water resources of the Kuang River Catchment, Northern Thailand. Science of the Total Environment, 562: 701-713
  • Chuah C.J., Lye H.R., Ziegler, A.D., Wood S.H., Kongpun C., Rajchagool S., 2016. Fluoride: A naturally-occurring health hazard in drinking-water resources of Northern Thailand. Science of the Total Environment, 545-546: 266-279
  • Ziegler A.D., Echaubard P., Lee Y.T., Chuah C.J., Wilcox B.A., Grundy-Warr C., Sithithaworn P., Petney T.N., Laithevewat L., Ong X., Andrews R.H., Sripa P., Khuntikeo N., Poonpon K., Tungtang P., Tuamsuk K., 2016. Untangling the complexity of liver fluke infection and cholangiocarcinoma in northeast Thailand through transdisciplinary learning. Ecohealth, 13 (2): 316-327
  • Manocha N. and Chuah C.J., 2016. Water Leaders Summit 2016: Future of world’s water beyond 2030 – A retrospective analysis. International Journal of Water Resources Development, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2016.1244643
  • Ziegler A.D., Terry J.P., Oliver G.J.H., Friess D.A., Chuah C.J., Chow W.T.L., Wasson R.J., 2014. Increasing Singapore’s resilience to drought. Hydrological Processes, 28 (15): 4543-4548

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