Educational Qualifications


Ph. D. Social Work. National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dissertation: Examining the relationship between bicultural stress and psychological well- being among Korean adolescents in Singapore: A Mixed Methods study


M.A. Social Work, Ewha Womans University, South Korea


B.A. Social Work, Ewha Womans University, South Korea

Academic and Professional Experience

2015 - Present        
Social Work Programme, S R Nathan School of Human Development (NSHD), Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore (SUSS)

2012 - 2013          
Teaching Assistant, Department of Social Work, National University of Singapore (NUS)

1999 - 2002          
Chief Editor, Nanum Social Welfare Publisher - Seoul, South Korea

1996 - 1999          
Executive Director, Kwanak Boncheon Community Rehabilitation Centre - Seoul, South Korea

1995 - 1996          
Community Mental Health Social Worker, Hanwool Community Mental Rehabilitation Centre - Seoul, South Korea

1993 - 1995          
Researcher & Case Manager, Korea Mental Health Welfare Research Institute - Seoul, South Korea

Selected Publications

Journal Papers – refereed

  1. Seng, B.K., Yang O.K., & Chung, Y.J. (2024). The mediating effects of resilience on psychological distress in social workers in Singapore and South Korea during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Social work, 67 (3) 730-745.
  2. Yang, O.K., Chung, Y.J., Lim Ji Yong, Heo Se Mi, and Seng, B.K. (2023). The effects of organisational support and frontline social workers’ resilience on mental health during disaster. Mental Health & Social Work, 51 (4), 135-165.
  3. Seng, B.K., Mythily, S., Chung, Y.J., Syed Ahmad, S.A.M., & Chong, S.A. (2021). Resilience and stress in frontline social workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (15), 234-243.
  4. Seng, B.K., Yang, O.K., & Chung, Y.J. (2021). Resilience and psychological distress among social workers during COVID-19 period in Singapore and South Korea, Cambodian Journal of Social Welfare (3), 3-22.
  5. Chung, Y.J. & Jayashree M. (2014). Between two worlds in Asia: Korean youths in Singapore, Journal of Population Research, 31 (3), 219-235

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