Educational Qualifications

PhD in Management (Marketing), University of Toronto, Canada

MA in Sociology, Utah State University, United States of America

BA in Political Science, Yonsei University, South Korea

Academic and Professional Experience

2010 - 2020
Assistant Professor of Marketing (Education), Singapore Management University

2007 - 2010
Practice Assistant Professor of Marketing, Singapore Management University

2002 - 2007
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Singapore Management University

1999 - 2002
Assistant Professor of Marketing, INSEAD, France

Selected Publications

What's in a name? The impact of subcategory salience on value perception and upgrade intention for multicategory products, by HAN, Jin K.; CHUNG, Seh Woong; SOHN, Yong Seok. (2018). Psychology and Marketing, 1-10.

Technological expectation and consumer preferences for product form, by CHUNG, Seh-Woong; HAN, Jin-Kyung; SOHN, Yong-Seok. (2012). Journal of Business Research, 65 (9), 1290-1294.

Technology convergence: When do consumers prefer converged products to dedicated products?, by HAN, Jin K.; CHUNG, Seh-Woong; SOHN, Yong-Seok. (2009). Journal of Marketing, 73 (4), 97-108.

A durable replacement model for symbolic vs. utilitarian consumption: An integrated cultural and socio-economic perspective, by YOO, Shijin; CHUNG, Seh-Woong; HAN, Jin K.(2006). Global Economic Review, 35 (2), 193-206.

Effects of Brand Name Exposure on Brand Choice: An Implicit Memory Perspective, by CHUNG, Seh-Woong; SZYMANSKI, Katrin. (1997). Advances in Consumer Research, 24 288-294.

Conference Proceedings:

Category descriptors and brand-naming decisions in convergence products: Subcategories, willingness to pay, and product replacement, (2016). Theory and Practice in Marketing, 2016 June 24, Seoul, Korea. South Korea (Selected as Top Five Presentations at TPM Conference).

Perceptual Fluency, Attitudes and Choice, by Mitchell, Andrew; CHUNG, Seh-Woong. (2007). Advances in Consumer Research, (pp. 30-30) Association for Consumer Research; 1999.

Consumer preferences for high-tech product forms: Converged or separate? Evolution of technology and reversal of preferences, by HAN, Jin K.; CHUNG, Seh-Woong; YONG, Seok Sohn. (2005). Singapore Marketing Research Roundtable, December 2005, Singapore.

A Model of Constrained Choice, by CHUNG, Seh-Woong. (2005). Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, St Pete Beach, 24-26 February 2005, St Pete Beach, FL, USA.

The strategic role of product modularity: A demand-side perspective, by CHUNG, Seh-Woong; Han, Jin K. (2003). INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, College Park, 12-15 June 2003, College Park, MD, USA.

The Strategic Role of Product Modularity: A Demand-Side Perspective, SMU Internal Grant, Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1, Principal Investigator: CHUNG Seh-Woong, 2003, S$26,779.4.

Teaching Material:

Chung, Seh-Woong, Markus Christen & David Soberman, 2003, "Ford KA: The Market Research Problem (A, B, & C)", the European Case Clearing House, Ltd.

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