Educational Qualifications
Ed.D, Teacher Education - University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign
MMus, Music Education - University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign
BMus (University High Honors) – Southern Illinois State
Certificate in Ed – London Montessori Centre, Teacher Training College
Dip Teach – Trinity College, London
Academic and Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, Business Intelligence & Analytics, SUSS (current)
- Deputy Head, Office of Academic Quality Management, NIE (2009 – 2012)
- Associate Dean, Foundation Programmes Office, NIE (2006 – 2009)
- Associate Professor, Visual & Performing Arts Academic Group, NIE (1992 – 2012)
Selected Publications
Chong, S., & Gopinathan, S. (accepted for publication).
“Teacher Quality in Singapore.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Ed. Jo Lampert. New York: Oxford University Press.
Wong, A., & Chong, S. (2018).
Modelling adult learners’ online engagement behaviour: proxy measures and its
application. Journal of Computers in Education, 1-17.
Chong, S. (2016).
Identification of Early Predictors of Adult Learners’ Academic Performance in
Higher Education. IAFOR Journal of Education, 4(2).
Chong, S., Mak, M., & Loh, W. M. (2016).
Data-mining applications with the admission data of adult learners in higher
education: a pilot study. International Journal of Management in Education,
10(2), 131-144.
Chong, S., Loh W.M. & Babu, M. (2015).
The Millennial learner: A new generation of adult learners in higher education.
Advances in Scholarship in Teaching and Learning 2(2)
Chong, S., Loh W.M. & Mak, X. M. (2014).
Analysis of Factors that Influence Beginning Teachers’ Perception of their
Instructional Competency. International Journal of Educational Reform
23 , 66
Choy, D., Wong,A. F., Chong, S., & Lim, K. M. (2014).
Beginning Teachers’Pedagogical Skills and Knowledge Towards Positive Pedagogic
Teacher-Student Relationships. US-China Education Review B. June 2014,
Vol. 4, No. 6, 357-367
Low, E.L., Chong, S. & Ellis, M. (2014).
Teachers’ English communication skills: Using IELTS to measure competence of
graduates from a Singaporean teacher education program Australian Journal of
Teacher Education, 38 (10)
Chong, S. (2014).
Academic quality management in teacher education: a Singapore perspective.
Quality Assurance in Education, 22(1), 53-64.
Koh, H.C., & Chong, S. (2014).
Broadening and Deepening Of SoTL with Learning Analytics. Advances in SoTL
1 (1), 49-62.