Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. (Chinese Linguistics), Shandong University
Master Degree of Arts, Shandong University
Bachelor Degree of Arts, Shandong University
Academic and Professional Experience
Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Associate Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Associate Professor, SIM University
Senior Lecturer, SIM University
Lecturer, SIM Open University
Professor, Shandong University
Associate Professor, Shandong University, China
Lecturer, Shandong University. China
Fellow Assistant, Shandong University, China
Selected Publications
Published over 60 academic papers in Journals in China, Japan and Hong Kong on topics including linguistics, Mandarin, dialects, and folk literature. Published over 10 books on the topic of Chinese linguistics. Main publications are as follows:
- Unity in Diversity: Language and Society in Singapore [多元和统一:新加坡的语言与社会], Co-author with Eddie KUO, World Scientific Press and SUSS, 11th series book of SUSS Humanities, 256 pages, 2022 July
- Dictionary of Modern Chinese Dialects Vocabulary [现代汉语方言大辞典], Main co-author, Jiangsu Education Press 江苏教育出版社, 6 volumes, China, 2002
- Studies on Shandong Dialects [山东方言研究], Co-author, 442 pages; Published by Qi Lu Press, 齐鲁书社 China, 2001
- New Research of Chinese Language and Folk Literature [汉语方言与民间文化新观察], Published by Singapore Culture. Lit Press, 新华文化事业有限公司, 134 pages, 1998
- The Dictionary of Muping Mandarin Dialect [牟平方言词典], Published by Jiang Su Education Press 江苏教育出版社, China, 428 pages, 1997
- A Course of Dialects and Standard Mandarin [方言与普通话教程], published by Shandong University Press 山东大学出版社, China, 1996
- Dictionary of Mandarin Basic vocabulary collection [普通话基础方言词汇集], Main Co-author, Language and Literacy Press, 语文出版社,5 Volumes, 1996
- The Studies on Zichuan Dialect [淄川方言志], Co-author with Meng Qingtai, Language and Literacy Press, 语文出版社 Beijing, 257 Pages, 1994
- Studies on Muping Dialect [牟平方言志], ; Language and Literacy Process 语文出版社,Beijing, 200 pages, 1992
- Migration to Nanyang: A Brief Narration of Scholar Sheng Mung Ching’s Deeds, Co-author with Lu Hu and Sheng Hui Ling, Journal of The South Seas Society [南洋学报], Vol.77, Page 27-54, Singapore, 2023
- The Official Language Policy and Civilian Engagement: Chinese and Dialects development trend in Singapore and Malaysia, The Studies on Language Resource [语言规划学研究], Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Vol 8, Page 52-61, Beijing 2020.
- To protect or to give up: the living conditions of the Chinese language and dialects of the Chinese in Nanyang, The Language Resource [语言资源], Language and Literacy Press, Vol.2,Page 134-147, Beijing 2019
- The Evolution Timeline of Chan 产字,The Journal of Chinese Language and Linguistics [中国语文] Commercial Press,Vol.3, 2018 Page P131-142, Cover paper, Beijing, 2018
- Historic Layering of z/c/s Group and g/k/h Group Pronunciation in Jiao-Liao Mandarin, The Journal of Chinese Language and Linguistics, [中国语言学报] , Commercial Press Vol 8, Page 164-171,Beijing, 2016
- The Study on the Meaning of Geographical Distribution of Ge2 佮 2015, Journal of Chinese Dialects [中国方言学报], Commercial Press, Vol. 5, Page 177-186, Beijing, 2015
- The Study of Continuous Polysyllabic Soft Voice, The Journal of Chinese Language Studies [中国语学研究], Vol 15, Page 228-235, Waseda University, 早稻田大学, Japan,2013
- The Correction of Z Group and G Group, The Journal of Language Teaching and Research,[语言教学与研究] Vol.1, Page 67-72, Beijing, 1996
- The Introduction to The Dialect Dictionary of Muping, The Journal of Chinese Dialects, [方言季刊], Commercial Press , Cover Paper, Vol 1,Page 1-16,Beijing, 1995
- The Study on Characteristics of Folk Upside-Down Songs, The Journal of Folk Literature, [民间文学论坛] Vol.4, Page 63-66, Beijing, 1995
- The Category and Geographical Distribute of the Comparative Sentence, The Journal of Chinese Language and Linguistics [中国语文], Commercial Press, Vol.3, Page 201-205. Beijing, 1992
- The Comparative Sentence and Requisition Sentence of Muping Dialect, The Journal of Chinese Dialects, [方言季刊] Commercial Press , Vol 4, Page 284-286, Beijing, 1981
- The Phonetic Features of Zhucheng and Wulian Dialects, Co-author with Qian Zengyi and Cao Zhiyun, The Journal of Chinese Language and Linguistics [中国语文], Commercial Press, Vol.3, 1984, Beijing