PhD in Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MPhil in Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BA in Marketing (First Class Honours), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Academic and Professional Experience
2021 - Present
Associate Professor, School of Business, SUSS
2021 - Present
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University
2020 - 2021
Core Centre Fellow, Institute of Policy Studies, Lingnan University
2019 - 2021
Founding Programme Director, MSocSc in Organisational Psychology and Education
Management (OPEM), School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University
2019 - 2021
Associate Professor of Teaching, School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University
2018 - 2019
Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Marketing and International
Business, Lingnan University
2015 - 2016
Associate Programme Director, MSc in Marketing and International Business (MScMIB),
Department of Marketing and International Business, Lingnan University
2010 - 2018
Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and International Business, Lingnan
Selected Publications
Journal Articles:
Wong, A.H.K. and Cheung, F. (2024) “The Impacts of Work-From-Home Goal Alignment on Employee Well-Being and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement”, Asian Journal of Business Ethics (Special Issue), forthcoming.
Wong, A.H.K., Wu, C.X., Whitla, P. and Snell, R.S. (2022) “How LMX and Marketing Capabilities Guide and Motivate Customer-Facing Employees’ Learning”, Journal of Business Research, 138, 161 – 169.
Wong, A.H.K., Cheung, J.O. and Chen, Z. (2020) “Promoting effectiveness of ‘working from home’: Findings from Hong Kong working population under COVID-19”, Asian Education and Development Studies, 10(2), 210 – 228.
Wong, A.H.K. and Poon, H.S.Y. (2018) “An Exploratory Study on the Social Enterprise Sector in Hong Kong”, Hang Seng Management College Business Review, 1(1), 33 – 37.
Wong, A.H.K., Tian, Y. and Poon, P. (2016) “Managing Opportunism in China: The Roles of Guanxi, Environmental Uncertainty and Management Culture.” Journal of Global Marketing, 29(2), 98 – 111.
Wong, A.H.K. and Tse, F.W.L. (2015) “Identifying the Benefits and Challenges of Using Social media as a Promotional Tool for Social Enterprises.” International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 5(12), 105 – 117.
Wong, A.H.K. and Tse, F.W.L. (2015) “An Investigation of How Networking Improves Social Enterprise Performance.” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Science, 4(11), 25 – 35.
Zhan, G. and Wong, A.H.K. (2015) “The Use of E-commerce Site for Partner Search.” Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3(10), 967 – 970.
Peng, L., Wong, A.H.K. and Wan, L.C.Y. (2012) “The Effects of Image Congruence and Self-Monitoring on Product Evaluations: A Comparison between Genuine and Counterfeit Products?” Journal of Global Marketing, 25(1), 17 – 28.
Ellis, P.D., Davies, H. and Wong, A.H.K. (2011) “Export intensity and marketing in transition economies: Evidence from China,” Industrial Marketing Management, 4(4), 593 – 602.
Wong, A.H.K. and Ellis, P. (2007), “Is market orientation affected by the product life cycle?” Journal of World Business, 42(2), 145-156.
Conference Papers (since 2015):
Wong, A.H.K. (2023) “ChatGPT Usage Behaviour and Individual Well-Being”, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2023, Dunedin, New Zealand, 4 – 6 December 2023.
Wong, A.H.K. and Cheung, F. “The Impacts of Work-From-Home Goal Alignment on Employee Well-Being and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement”, The 8th World Business Ethics Forum, Hong Kong, China, 14 – 15 June 2023.
Wong, A.H.K. and Cheung, F. “Has the WFH Experience Improved in the Past Two Years in Hong Kong?”, 2022 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Ningbo & Hong Kong, China, 7 – 9 December 2022.
Wong, A.H.K. “Social Marketing: The Best Marketing Practice for Social Enterprises?”, The 6th Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences, Hokkaido, Japan, 16 – 18 July 2019.
Wong, A.H.K. and Poon, S.Y.H. “Social Enterprise Ownership and the Achievement of Performance Objectives”, 2017 Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 7-9 December 2017.
Wong, A.H.K., “Key Challenges and Key Success Factors for Social Enterprises in the Retail Sector”, 13th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference, Singapore, 23-24 October 2017.
Wong, A.H.K., Leung, W.Y.N., Lam, C.P.S. and Snell, R.S. “To Care About Our Society - Social Marketing: A Course that Develops Caring Leaders for the Society”, 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Surabaya, Indonesia, 28 May - 2 June 2017.
Wong, A.H.K. “Developing Organizational Learning and Marketing Capabilities in Social Enterprise”, Seventeenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, Darwin, Australia, 20-21 April 2017.
Zhan, G. and Wong, A.H.K. “Consumer Adoption of Wi-Fi Network: The Role of Security Knowledge, Perceived Threat and Security Measures”, 8th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-7 January 2017.
Wong, A.H.K. and Tse, F.W.L. “Social Media, Networking, and Marketing Performance: A Study of Social Enterprises in Hong Kong.” Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2015, Penang, Malaysia, 3-5 December 2015.
Wong, A.H.K. “How to Improve the Sustainability of Social Enterprises?” 32nd International Business Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 23-25 November 2015.
Whitla, P. and Wong, A.H.K. “Chinese Consumer Attitudes to the Purchase of Second-Hand Goods” Paper presented at SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, Bangkok, Thailand, 4-6 June 2015.
More Information
2023 – Present Principal Investigator, “Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Enhancing Social Mobility through Improving Equality in Access to Sports Resources”, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) Grant, funded S$50k.
2022 - Present Member, The Australian Association of Social Marketing
2022 – Present Principal Investigator, “Working from Home and Employee’s Well-being: Findings from the Working Population in Singapore”, MOE Start-up Research Fund, funded SG$20k.
2018 - 2021 Co-Investigator & Internal Consultant, “Social Innovation & Socialpreneurs Development: Smart Ageing with Gerontechnology” project, HK Chief Executive’s Community Project List 2018 (HKJC), funded HK$19.7M.
2018 - 2021 Principal Investigator, “Develop Digital Marketing Talents via the U2I Collaborative Approach” project, Teaching Development Grant, Lingnan University, funded HK$0.2M.
2019 - 2020 Organizing Committee, Conference for Higher Education Research, Lingnan University
2017 - 2019 Principal Investigator, “How Social Enterprises Compete in the Retail Market?” project, Direct Grant for GRF Project, Lingnan University, funded HK$0.12M.
2018 Completed a 5-Day “Design Thinking Workshop”, run by the Teaching and Learning Studio, Standford University.
2016 - 2018 Principal Investigator, “Social Enterprise Ownership and the Achievement of Performance Objectives: From the Market Orientation and Learning Orientation Perspectives” project, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, funded HK$50k.
2022 - Present Marketing Advisor, RehabExo Pty Ltd, Australia
2017 - 2018
Panel Judge, "Startup Weekend Hong Kong Silver Society @ Lingnan University",
Office of Service Learning, Lingnan University
2013 - 2018
Faculty Advisor, Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC), Chinese
University of Hong Kong & Home Affairs Bureau of HKSAR
Teaching recognitions:
2017: University Grants Committee Teaching Award (chosen as the University’s nominee for the Award – a sector-wide award to recognise exceptional teachers in the eight UGC-funded universities in HK)
2015-2016: Teaching Excellence Award 2015-16, Lingnan University (one of the three Award Recipients of the Year)
Research recognitions:
2023: Best Paper Award, The 8th World Business Ethics Forum, Hong Kong, China, 14 – 15 June 2023.
2012: Best Presenter Award, Global Business, Economics and Finance Research Conference, London, UK
2011: Best Paper Award, 13th Global Business and Technology Association International Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Social Marketing; Flexible Work Arrangements; Personal Well-being; Work-Family Balance; Marketing Strategies for Social Enterprises; Marketing Capabilities; Market Orientation; Organizational Learning; Learning Motivation
Guest Instructor, "Socialpreneur Incubation Courses", HKJC Gerontechnology and
Smart Ageing Project, taught Fundamental Marketing Principles to the public in
Spring/Summer of 2019.
Presenter, Go Big with a Simple Step - Digital Marketing Strategies Public
Lecture 超越「無限大」- 新世代數碼營銷策略, organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing
(HKIM) and Lingnan University on 22 Jun 2016.