Programme Code: FTSWKMJ1


Social Work is a relatively young profession in Singapore. Over the years, the social service sector blossomed and social work has become a promising career for young people who aspire to work with people from diverse backgrounds to promote and facilitate positive changes in their lives. This programme aims to equip students for entry into the social work profession. The programme is designed to develop your knowledge and skills as positive change agents in society and in the lives of the individuals, families and communities you serve. The programme also prepare students for indirect social work in the areas of social policy, planning and evaluation.

Career Prospects

Graduates can look forward to enriching careers in family service centres, children and youth centres, hospitals, hospices and other community or social service agencies.

Programme Structure

This is a four-year direct honours full-time programme. To graduate, students are required to complete a total of 200 credit units (cu), which include:

Students are also required to complete supervised social work field education (practicum), an overseas experience and community engagement. The SUSS Core courses are designed to hone students’ conceptual and writing abilities along with their communication skills. Singapore University of Social Sciences aims to produce graduates who are professionally competent, social-minded and self-directed learners.

Admission Requirements

Refer to general admission criteria for full-time undergraduate programmes. 

Besides meeting the course requirements, applicants are required to rank Social Work within the first and second choice to be considered for shortlisting for interview. There will be additional admission criteria to better target students who are aligned to the educational philosophy of our full-time programmes. This will be done through interviews and selection tests.

Financial Assistance

There are also various types of financial aid available to students who need financial assistance. Please click here for more details.

In addition to the financial aid schemes available to all students from the Singapore University of Social Sciences, there are study awards/grants which are open to Bachelor of Social Work students. They are as follows: