Dates: 3 - 6 September 2024 (6.30pm to 10pm)
Level: All levels
Duration: 4 x half-day
Venue: Singapore University of Social Sciences and via ZOOM
The World Economic Forum's 2020 Future of Jobs report lists "Creativity", "Innovation", and "Complex Problem-Solving" among its Top 5 skills for 2025. Yet, if you were to start typing "Singapore" and "creativity" in Google, Google will likely make the following search suggestions: "Singapore lacks creativity", "Singapore education creativity", and "Singapore students lack creativity". Clearly, creativity is crucial for the future of work and clearly, we can be more creative.
This 2-day course is applied, scientifically-valid, and focused on leaving you
with the ability to successfully engage in creative problem-solving independently.
Who Should Attend
Professionals involved in problem-solving and/or require creativity at work.
This includes, but is not limited to, leaders, managers, supervisors, engineers,
researchers, R&D scientists, strategists, marketers, teachers, architects, designers,
social workers, youth workers, entrepreneurs, and business owners.
- Applying various creativity techniques
Learn which techniques to apply for problem clarity, idea generation, and action planning - What are your barriers to Creativity?
We all have the potential for tremendous creativity. Let's find out the barriers to your creativity - How to find the "right" problems
Discover how you can reframe and structure ill-defined problems to avoid solving the "wrong" problems again
Learning Outcomes
A. Knowledge and Understanding (Theory Component)
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Evaluate personal and workplace barriers to creativity
- Describe key creativity theories and concepts
- Outline stages and components of the Creative Problem Solving technique
B. Key Skills (Practical Component)
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Implement the use of different creativity techniques
- Recommend strategies to foster creativity
- Solve workplace problems using the Creative Problem Solving technique
Time | Agenda |
Day 1 | |
18:30 - 18:40 | Course Overview |
18:40 - 19:10 | What Are Your Barriers to Creativity? |
19:10 - 20:20 | Technique #1: Bad Ideas Party |
20:20 - 20:35 | Break |
20:35 - 21:00 | Creativity: Conceptual Foundations |
21:00 - 22:00 | Technique #2: Lotus Blossom |
Day 2 | |
18:30 - 18:50 | Finding the Right Problems |
18:50 - 19:50 | Technique #3: Duncker Diagram |
19:50 - 20:15 | Creative Problem Solving (CPS): Conceptual Foundations 1 |
20:15 - 20:30 | Break |
20:30 - 21:20 | Technique #4: Creative Problem Solving |
21:20 - 22:00 | Group Presentations |
Day 3 | |
18:30 - 19:00 | Creative Problem Solving (CPS): Conceptual Foundations 2 |
19:00 - 20:00 | Technique #5: Evaluation Matrix |
20:00 - 20:15 | Break |
20:15 - 21:00 | Applying the Creative Problem Solving technique 1 |
21:00 - 22:30 | Technique #6: Basic Process Model |
Day 4 | |
18:30 - 20:00 | Applying the Creative Problem Solving technique 2 |
20:00 - 20:15 | Break |
20:15 -21:00 | Applying the Creative Problem Solving technique 3 |
21:00 - 22:00 | Individual Presentations |
- Group Presentations
On Day 2, participants will undergo the first course assessment. Working with 2 to 4 other participants, groups will present their application of the Creative Problem Solving technique (CPS) to solve a real-world problem. Presentations will demonstrate an understanding of the stages and components of the CPS. In order to solve the given real-world problem, personal and situational barriers to creativity need to be evaluated. The derived solution will include recommended strategies to foster creativity.
- Individual Presentations
On Day 4, participants will undergo the second course assessment. Working individually, participants will present their use of the CPS to solve a workplace problem. By implementing different creativity techniques, personal and workplace barriers to creativity are evaluated. Participants will present specific recommendations on how to foster creativity at the workplace.
[1] Italicised text indicate the assessing of Learning Outcomes.
- A computer with web camera
- Work experience
About the Trainer
Victor Seah
Victor's session was a real eye-opener and gave me a lot more confidence that I
can grow even further
- ANZ manager ‘CP'
The cognitive flexibility sessions gave me some great information to try at work
to improve my performance as a manager
- Qantas manager ‘DS'
Dr Victor Seah (PhD, Organisation and Management) has over a decade of experience
in executive and adult education having worked with ABC broadcaster, ANZ bank, Qantas
airlines, the Australian Graduate School of Management, UNSW Business School, Ngee
Ann Polytechnic, and the Singapore University of Social Sciences. His research focuses
on creativity and psychology at work and has been published in journals such as
Sustainability, the European Journal of Psychological Assessment,
and Learning and Individual Differences. Dr Seah has also been cited in
local media such as The Straits Times, CNA938, and The Business Times.
Application Procedures
Please submit the following documents to [email protected]:
- Coloured copy (back and front) of NRIC for Singaporeans and PRs, or "Employment"/"S"
Pass for foreign applicant
Application form
Course Fee
1 Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy:
Singaporeans aged 40 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course
2 Enhanced Training Support
for SMEs: SME-sponsored employees (Singaporean Citizens and PRs) aged 21
and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fees.
- Participants are required to achieve at least 75% attendance and pass any prescribed examinations/assessments or submit any course/project work (if any) under the course requirement.
- Participants are required to complete all surveys and feedbacks related to the course
- The course fees are reviewed annually and may be revised. The University reserves the right to adjust the course fees without prior notice.
- Singapore University of Social Sciences reserves the right to amend and/or revise the above schedule without prior notice
For clarification, please contact the SUSS Academy via the following:
Telephone: +65 6248 0263Email: [email protected]