Course Code: TSL565


TSL 565 Language Testing and Evaluation provides students with an insight into the fundamental concepts in and principles of language assessment in the Digital Age. The course then provides students with guidelines for evaluating and creating tests for assessing listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, representing, grammar and vocabulary, using traditional print, multimodal and digital texts. Finally, the course examines the issue of grading and evaluating.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY 2 YEARS


  • Basic concepts: testing and assessment; grading and evaluation; formative and summative assessment; norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests
  • Principles of language assessment: Practicality; reliability; validity; authenticity; washback
  • Process of designing classroom language tests: Purpose; objective; specification; devising test item; administering the test; scoring, grading and giving feedback
  • Standards-based testing
  • Standardised testing
  • Alternatives in assessment
  • Assessing listening and viewing
  • Assessing speaking and representing
  • Assessing reading and viewing
  • Assessing writing and representing
  • Assessing grammar and vocabulary
  • Principles and guidelines for grading and evaluation

Learning Outcome

  • Differentiate between the basic concepts in language testing
  • Discuss the principles of language assessment
  • Examine critically the process of designing classroom language tests
  • Critique the distinction between grading and evaluation
  • Evaluate language testing materials against a set of principles and prescribed criteria
  • Design language testing materials for a particular context in accordance with the principles of language assessment.