Course Code: TSL551


TSL 551 Global English and Language Teaching provides students with an insight into the spread of English as an international language (EIL). The course first defines what an international language means and why English is considered as an international language. The course then examines the implications of this for bilingual users and teachers of English, standards for EIL, the role of culture in language teaching, and the appropriate methodology for teaching EIL.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY 2 YEARS


  • Defining English as an international language (EIL)
  • The spread of EIL
  • Native speakers of English vs Bilingual users of English
  • Bilingual users of English in the Inner, Outer and Expanding Circles
  • Defining standards for EIL
  • Linguistic, pragmatic and rhetorical standards for EIL
  • Implications for bilingual teachers of English
  • The role of culture in language teaching
  • Cultural content in language teaching materials
  • The spread of English and communicative language teaching
  • Appropriate methodology for teaching EIL
  • A comprehensive theory of teaching and learning EIL

Learning Outcome

  • Discuss the meaning of EIL
  • Examine the issue of standards of EIL
  • Compare the roles of native speakers and bilingual users of English in teaching EIL
  • Critique the role of culture in teaching EIL
  • Appraise teaching methods to determine which are suitable for teaching EIL
  • Evaluate teaching materials to determine if they are suitable for teaching EIL