Course Code: SOC303
Organisations permeate all aspects of our social lives. Many of us begin our lives in hospitals, go to schools, serve National Service (if you are a male citizen or permanent resident), work, attend universities, work more, and will end our lives in nursing homes or hospitals. Where do organisations come from? What makes organisations do what they do? Whose interests do organisations serve? How can organisations be changed? SOC303 Sociology of Organisations will get you to think analytically about organisations. We will explore the foundational models of organisation, different perspectives on why complex organisations look and operate the way that they do, and examine the social consequences of organisational behaviours.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
- Introduction: why study organisations?
- Foundational models of organisation
- Organisations and Rationality
- Resource dependence and transaction cost economics
- Theories of organisation: the institutionalist perspective (1)
- Theories of organisation: the institutionalist perspective (2)
- Organisations and social networks
- Social psychology in organisations
- Organisations and inequality
- What to do about inequality within organisations
- New organisational phenomena
- Special topics
Learning Outcome
- Discuss the main models and theories connected to the sociology of organisations
- Examine how organisations and institutions shape our lives and how the larger social environment shapes organisations
- Analyse organisational behaviours from multiple perspectives
- Apply course materials to make sense of organisational behaviours and phenomena
- Evaluate popular organisational strategies and practices
- Demonstrate skills in analytical thinking and written and spoken expression