Course Code: PSY352


This course sets the stage for the student’s exposure to Cultural Psychology with the prevalent, but often taken-for-granted debate on how culture is to be perceived. Having established the premises of this course’s approach to culture, we will locate Cultural Psychology within the schema of the Psychological discipline. In order to do so, we will expose the student to an appreciation of the circumstances within which the interest in Cultural Psychology emerged. This appreciation sets the backdrop upon which the foundation knowledge of the different approaches to the subject is built. As this course considers the current concerns of local and contemporary issues to be of utmost importance, this study commences by examining the relevance of Cultural Psychology within a multicultural context. Classical psychological experiments will be re-introduced from the alternative perspective of Cultural Psychology. Extensions to the cultural psychological perspective will be supported by experiments that prove the significant mediation of culture on psychological processes. The first to be addressed is how Identity is culturally mediated. The extent to which the desire for social affiliation defines an individual’s self-concept and the value of this extent across cultures is to be examined. The next subfield selected for discussion is Emotion. This course examines how the intangible and subjective dimension of emotions has been studied psychologically, and the extensions to this area of study by Cultural Psychology. The final segment to be examined is Cultural Psychology’s refinement of the study of Cognition and Perception. Having provided a selection of cultural psychological contributions to the study of Identity, Emotion, Cognition and Perception, the chapters respectively conclude with critiques of the cultural psychological framework. It goes to show that the establishment of a viable framework for Cultural Psychology is still work-in-progress. Some existing discussions in Cultural Psychology are heading towards a positive direction, but there is still much scope for the further development of this field. In the final chapter, a synthesis of the study of Cultural Psychology is sought. This is done by exploring accounts accounting for the root source(s) of cultural differences.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • The role of cultural psychology in psychology
  • Culture in a multicultural context
  • Self Identity in Society; Social Identity in Self
  • Emotion as Cultural Expressions
  • Acculturated Cognition and Perception
  • Culture’s Mediation – Psychological Perspectives on Social Structure

Learning Outcome

  • Develop an overview to Cultural Psychology
  • Assess the range of epistemological approaches to Cultural Psychology
  • Propose why certain epistemological approaches are preferable under certain contexts
  • Analyse psychological issues and phenomena using a cultural psychological framework
  • Examine how the cultural psychological approach can be applied to key subfields in psychology (e.g., identity, emotion, and cognition and perception)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of cross-cultural scenarios within a multicultural context