Course Code: PLC502


PLC502 Techniques of Coaching: Core Skills and Methodologies instructs on the techniques of coaching, and cements the foundations for good contemporary practice. It delineates the roots of coaching in sports coaching, management consulting, counselling and more recently, positive psychology. Garnering from these approaches, students will be educated on the core micro-skills of coaching. Each weekly class has a lecture and an experiential learning component. The latter requires students to evaluate each week’s topic in relation to their own personal life/work experiences, and to participate in group discussion. Practical experiences of self-coaching and co-coaching are pivotal in this course.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • The Focus of Coaching
  • The Purpose of Coaching
  • Important Coaching Skills
  • Values Important in Coaching
  • Establishing Positive Relationships with Coachees
  • Assessing Interest and Coachability
  • Creating a Great Coaching Dialogue
  • Clarifying Goals
  • Gaining Agreement
  • Action Planning
  • Concepts Important to Coaching
  • Coaching Techniques that Help Coachees Get Unstuck

Learning Outcome

  • Compare and contrast coaching with other developmental approaches like mentoring and counselling.
  • Appraise the foundations for effective coaching practice through a framework of academic knowledge and practical experience.
  • Draw on the concepts and theories that underpin coaching practice.
  • Discuss communication and interpersonal skills expedient for establishing effective and developmental coaching relationships.
  • Apply the core knowledge, concepts and theories that underpin coaching practice.
  • Implement coaching approaches, and select/use appropriate coaching techniques and tools
  • Demonstrate core coaching skills and competencies like effective listening, questioning and generating feedback, to coach others
  • Develop positive trusting coaching relationships with coachees.