Course Code: MKT355
MKT355 Multivariate Analysis provides a firm understanding of the statistical and managerial principles underlying multivariate analysis. Topics include: how to prepare your data and the use of univariate tests, analysis of variance and covariance, regression analysis, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. Note: The course does not require students to bring a laptop. Students can choose to bring a laptop or share laptops with classmates during class, if needed.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every January
- Fieldwork
- Data Preparation
- Cross-tabulations
- Nonparametric Hypothesis Test
- One-way Analysis of Variance
- Two-way Analysis of Variance
- Analysis of Covariance
- Regression Analysis
- Discriminant Analysis
- Logistic Regression
- Factor Analysis
- Cluster Analysis
Learning Outcome
- Discuss the fieldwork and data preparation process.
- Differentiate between non-parametric and parametric tests.
- Examine the procedures of conducting multiple regression analysis and its applications in marketing research.
- Distinguish the objectives and procedures of conducting discriminant analysis and logistic regression from other classification techniques.
- Compare the objectives and applications of factor analysis and cluster analysis in marketing research.
- Evaluate, undertake and interpret results of empirical studies using multivariate statistical techniques.