Course Code: MKT202


MKT202 Marketing Management is designed to introduce functions of the marketing department and the importance of marketing for modern organisations. In this course, students will learn classic marketing theories that remain relevant as well as contemporary marketing practices focusing on technology and digital marketing. This course also aims to build students’ knowledge and skills in the managerial aspects of marketing, including the development and execution of marketing plans and programmes.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • What is Marketing
  • Situational Analysis
  • Marketing Research and Analytics
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Building Customer Loyalty
  • Branding
  • Global Marketing
  • Product Strategy
  • Characteristics of Services
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Channel Strategy
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Digital Marketing
  • Innovation and Digital Transformation
  • Social and Sustainable Marketing

Learning Outcome

  • Explain key marketing concepts and trends
  • Discuss factors in consumer management
  • Examine branding strategies
  • Analyse the role of products/services, prices, channels and communication tools
  • Demonstrate proficiency in written and verbal communication skills in a marketing context
  • Apply essential marketing management knowledge and interpersonal skills to work effectively in a team