Course Code: MGT572


MGT572 AI Tools for Strategic Decision-Making is designed to provide business professionals with the practical knowledge and skills needed to effectively use AI tools in a variety of business applications. Participants will dive into six key areas where generative AI is transforming business operations: content generation, audiovisual asset creation, data analytics, business productivity, and knowledge management. Students will gain hands-on experience with various AI technologies, including Large Language Models as well as other relevant multimodal generative AI tools. The course provides students with practical knowledge and applications and engages them in real-world contexts with which they can practice and refine their skills. Participants will be able to apply generative AI tools in planned scenarios, optimise business processes, and integrate AI into everyday business applications. By the end of the course, they will understand how to use these technologies to strategically enhance their decision-making process through proficiency in generative AI.
Level: 2.5
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Advanced Techniques in Content Generation
  • Innovative Approaches in Visual Assets Generation
  • Cutting-Edge Methods in Audio Generation
  • Enhanced Data analytics and Insights Extraction
  • Maximising Business Productivity with Generative AI Tools
  • Effective Knowledge Management and Decision Making Using Generative AI

Learning Outcome

  • Appraise best practices in prompt engineering for optimising generative AI tool across different business use cases
  • Compare a wide variety of generative AI tools and their applications across business operations
  • Critique the capabilities and limitations of different generative AI tools in various business applications
  • Support the strategic implications of integrating generative AI into business processes and its potential impact on organisational structure
  • Create effective prompts and inputs for various AI tools to achieve desired outputs in different business scenarios
  • Set up, identify, and utilise a range of generative AI tools for content creation, visual asset generation, audio production, and data analysis.
  • Combine appropriate generative AI tools for specific business tasks and objectives