Course Code: HRM373
Assessment and selection are seminal topics within human resource management. Their application are strategic to an organisation by ensuring that employees with the required knowledge, skills, and qualities for the jobs are accurately assessed, selected, hired, and promoted so that the organisation will perform and remain competitive. HRM373 Assessment and Selection provides an understanding of the core concepts, issues and practice of assessment and selection, and enables one to evaluate assessment methods and selection systems so as to make recommendations to improve them.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER
- Overview of Assessment and Selection
- Traditional and New Practices, and Technological Innovations
- Issues in Assessment and Selection: Fairness, Ethics, Legal, Cost and Practicality
- Job Analysis and Competency Modeling
- Job Performance and its Prediction
- Measurement Reliability, Validity and Utility
- Assessment of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Personality, and Integrity
- Assessment Methods I: Test, Questionnaire, and Interview
- Assessment Methods II: Work Simulation and Assessment Centre
- Validate a Selection System
- Change or Implement a Selection System
- Evidence-based Decision Making in Selection
Learning Outcome
- Illustrate the purpose, components and issues with regard to assessment and selection for hiring and promotion of employees in an organisation.
- Differentiate the key assessment methods according to their reliability, validity and utility.
- Analyse the effectiveness, efficiency and practicality of selection systems.
- Appraise assessment methods and selection systems on their strengths and weaknesses.
- Recommend evidence-based and practical changes to improve selection systems.
- Propose the design of a selection system with appropriate assessments to support hiring.
- Demonstrate communication and team working skills in analysis, presentation and reporting.