Course Code: GSP307


Sandboxed Metaverse introduces students to the exciting and rapidly evolving virtual worlds. Through experimentations, collaborations, and discussions, this course aims to introduce students to the emerging technologies associated with metaverse and its applications to digital marketing and consumer experiences. Students will gain a deeper understanding of metaverse, and the broader implications of virtual worlds, including their potential as educational tools, social spaces, and as platforms for entertainment. Students are encouraged to think creatively about the possibilities of metaverses, and how they can be used to address real-world problems, including digital marketing. At the end of the course, students will create a prototype of a virtual world and learn how the created virtual world can bring about new experiences for content consumption.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Introduction to concept and design of virtual worlds and metaverses.
  • Fundamentals for 3D modelling and texturing.
  • Basic scene shading, and lighting.
  • Fundamental applications of animations in the virtual world.
  • Understanding physics and interactivity in virtual worlds.
  • User-created content and community building.
  • Interactivity and user engagement designs in sandboxed worlds.
  • Crafting engaging narratives in sandboxed environments.
  • Gamification of stories to enhance user experiences.
  • Creating virtual worlds using technology-enabled platforms.
  • Quality control and user acceptance testing.
  • Launching, marketing, and publishing virtual worlds and metaverses.

Learning Outcome

  • Analyze the potential applications of virtual worlds to different fields (e.g., commerce, marketing, education, social), and the implications of metaverses to those fields.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how virtual worlds can be applied to address real-world needs such as digital marketing and Online-to-Offline (O2O) marketing and retail strategies.
  • Appraise created metaverses to identify areas for improvements.
  • Design gamification and storytelling elements into virtual worlds and metaverses to enhance interactivity in digital marketing.
  • Construct virtual world assets (modelling, texturing, shading, lighting, and animation).
  • Implement quality control and testing measures for virtual worlds and metaverses.