Course Code: GSP303SZX
SUSS Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (Shenzhen) offers a platform to generate ideas; allow students to test, validate and pivot their proposals; and immerse them into Singapore’s start-up scene to potentially meet co-founders, connect with expert advisors and learn from the ecosystem. Good ideas do not automatically translate into good businesses. The process of testing, validating and pivoting is critical for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to develop ideas that translate into value adding businesses. Students will gain deeper understanding of the problem they are trying to solve, teams will get to put their ideas and assumptions to the test, and modify them along the way through the feedback they garner. Students will be able to evaluate if their ideas are worth pursuing and design their first prototype. Entrepreneurs have a higher chance to succeed if they belong to an ecosystem. Learning from those who have successfully built and grown companies, as well as from those who failed, and seeking opportunities to connect with experts in deep domain areas, are key to successfully build a business. Students will be able to engage with Singapore’s start-up community during study trips to Fuckup Nights, Impact Hub, JTC Launchpad @ One North and Echelon. This course provides opportunities to meet potential co-founders, learn how to work in a team and seek advice from the ecosystem.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every July
- Entrepreneurship
- Ideation with special focus on Pain-Points and Inefficiencies of Specific Customer Segments such as the Base of the Pyramid, Silver Generation and Millennials
- Public Speaking with special focus on the Elevator Pitch
- Singapore’s Start-up Ecosystem
- Business Case Studies
- Lean Startup Validation
- Pivot
- Customer-Problem Fit
- Business Modelling with special focus on Cost- and Revenue Streams
- Marketing with special focus on Market Size Estimation and Go-to-market strategies
- Web development
- Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Learning Outcome
- Demonstrate understanding of the problem the business is trying to solve
- Examine the key drivers behind the proposed value proposition
- Appraise success or failure of the proposed business idea
- Propose a problem and customer hypothesis
- Test the assumptions that must be valid for the problem and customer hypothesis to fit
- Defend the business proposal in front of a panel of judges or Criticise why the business proposal failed