Course Code: GSP301TYO


Japanese management is characterized by a combination of indigenous cultural influences, early post-war borrowing of ideas and creative development. Changing Japanese economic needs, demographic shifts and evolving trends/lifestyles/habits seem to push Japanese management into a creative knowledge-based phase. The organisation of the course is chronological, starting from Japanese management’s basic features to revisiting its sustained and continued applicability, and finally to cutting-edge contemporary ideas. It is a course intended for class participants with no prior knowledge of management theories. It gives participants a broad and foundational understanding of J-management augmented by selected case studies. It is broad and foundational in the sense that the course and visits cover topics ranging from the basic features to recent case studies and then to the nuts and bolts of contemporary ideas. The combination of visits to a university, traditional companies and start-ups is optimal in reflecting the dual track economy in Japan where there is a large multinational sector co-existing with small-medium sized companies which make up a vibrant subcontracting and service sector in Japan. Student exposure to the diversity of company makeups will help to foster applied knowledge and understanding of Japanese corporate culture.As this course involves an overseas trip, students have to adhere to established thresholds for course progression and successful completion. The out of pocket expenses for the overseas trip is estimated to be about S$2,970 and is not included in the course fee. This amount will be borne completely by the student. The tour operator’s conditions for the study mission to Tokyo apply; these conditions include levy of cancellation fees, and fare forfeiture, for any uncompleted travel or cancellations. In view of the travelling period (weeks 7 and 8), should students wish to register for other courses, they are advised to choose those that commence in Term 1 week 1 and Term 2 week 2. Students must complete an online Pre-Class quiz during the given window period. Students have THREE (3) attempts at the quiz and are required to achieve a minimum grade of 60%; otherwise, they will be deemed WITHDRAWN from the course. If students fail any of the other OCAS components, they will be deemed WITHDRAWN from the course. If students fail (or do not submit) the ECA component, they are deemed to have failed (or withdrawn from) the course. There will be no resit for this course.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every July


  • Business etiquette in Japan. (Note: the course will require students to don formal office wear and attire for the professional environment. This is helpful in presenting a good image to the companies visited and emulates the professional presentation style in the corporate environment). The pre-departure course will deal with topics as minor as exchanging name cards to more structured topics such as cross-cultural communication with Japanese clients and suppliers.
  • Abenomics, changes and reforms in the Japanese economy; application of management concepts like LTE, nemawashi, ringgi sho, wa harmony, open office concept, Just In Time, continuous improvements kaizen, etc, and be able to use economic terms like keiretsu, sogoshosha, etc.
  • Business history, contemporary business practices and Japan’s corporate cultures.
  • General and basic features of Japanese marketing practices, business negotiations and human resource management.

Learning Outcome

  • Demonstrate their own personal understanding of the corporate culture in the companies from an on-site perspective. OSM participants will observe ongoing changes and reforms in the Japanese economy.
  • Discuss the dynamically-changing ideas of management and make personal observation studies about the ongoing economic restructuring efforts in Japan.
  • Identify the main features of Japanese management and explain the strengths and weaknesses, the advantages and disadvantages of these features.
  • Analyse Japan's management practices through case studies; analyse changing economic needs, demographic shifts and evolving trends/lifestyles/habits in Japan.
  • Formulate and appraise their own conclusions with regard to contemporary issues and concepts presented in the course.
  • Evaluate comparative perspectives after taking this course, both internally within the different chronological phases of Japanese management as well as externally with other forms of management techniques.
  • Demonstrate a better understanding of Japanese business people, establish mutual understanding and communicate with executives from Japan to achieve common objectives in business settings.
  • Apply and verify their appreciation of the significance of the dynamics of external and internal changes to Japanese management. Deepen their appreciation of the significance of Japanese management's adaptations and evolution according to chronological phases in its development.