Course Code: GSP301SGN


Singapore has no hinterland and needs to engage actively in the global economy to achieve economic growth. Various economies in the regional and global scene, among them China, India and South East Asian countries, have shown great potential of achieving high economic growth and it is important that Singapore companies are able to participate in these economies. This particular overseas study mission will expose students to different aspects of Vietnam - business/economic environment, socio-cultural/political environment, key industries and business practices. During the one-week trip to Vietnam, students will visit different companies to observe various business operations and practices in a variety of industries.This business-focused overseas study mission allows students to extend their personal networks, and develop a deeper understanding of doing business in Vietnam, which in turn can help them to develop the business landscape in Singapore.As this course involves an overseas trip, students have to adhere to established thresholds for course progression and successful completion. The out of pocket expenses for the overseas trip is estimated to be about S$2,500 and is not included in the course fee. This amount will be borne completely by the student. The tour operator’s conditions for the study mission to Ho Chi Minh City apply; these conditions include levy of cancellation fees, and fare forfeiture, for any uncompleted travel or cancellations. In view of the travelling period (weeks 7 and 8), should students wish to register for other courses, they are advised to choose those that commence in Term 1 week 1 and Term 2 week 2. Students must complete an online Pre-Class quiz during the given window period. Students have THREE(3) attempts at the quiz and are required to achieve a minimum grade of 60%; otherwise, they will be deemed WITHDRAWN from the course. If students fail any of the other OCAS components, they will be deemed WITHDRAWN from the course. If students fail (or do not submit) the ECA component, they are deemed to have failed (or withdrawn from) the course. There will be no resit for this course.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every July


  • Business / Economic environment of Vietnam
  • Socio-cultural / Political environment of Vietnam
  • Analysis of key industries in Vietnam
  • Business practices and experiences in Vietnam

Learning Outcome

  • Organise information about the business, economic, socio-cultural and political environment of the host country.
  • Examine the impact of the host country’s environmental factors on the business practice of the companies visited.
  • Determine the factors contributing to the success of the companies visited.
  • Compare the business practices among the companies visited in the host country.
  • Discuss the differences in the business practices of the companies visited with the business practices of similar companies in Singapore.
  • Employ analytical judgment and independent thinking.
  • Apply essential knowledge and interpersonal skills to work effectively in a team.
  • Develop proficiency in case writing.