Course Code: GSP177
This course is set up to meet the demand of an increasingly affluent population needing investment knowledge. Undergraduate students in SUSS who will be making investment decisions at various stages of their life cycle will be able to increase their practical knowledge of basic investment through an understanding of investment products. Adult learners who wish to enhance their understanding of the investment world will also benefit from this course. This course is aimed at equipping learners with a firm understanding of the basic decision- making process in investing. Guided by the conceptual tools learnt in the course, and exposure to the various financial products in the course, students will be able to analyze and make informed decisions on the various aspects of investment.
Level: 2.5
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: ALL SEMESTERS
- Supply and demand theory and economic
- Time value of money and risk and return
- Market liquidity, diversification and asset
- Investor profiling and stages of life cycle
- The legal framework of investing
- Ethical issues in investing
- Characteristics of equity investment
- Fundamental analysis
- Fixed income instruments – Characteristics and valuation
- Investing in mutual funds
- Investing in REITS
- Investing in real properties
- Indirect real estate investments
- Foreign currency investment
- Alternative investments – derivatives, futures, commodities and hedge funds
Learning Outcome
- Explain the fundamental concepts of an investment product covering risk and returns, liquidity and basic analysis.
- Describe the different life cycle stages of an investor and his or her investor profiling analysis, with reference to the investment product suitability.
- Recognise the various investment products with the ability to analyse their relative merits and demerits.
- Discuss the information from various sources regarding the suitability of investment products and proposals based on the learning concepts and apply the investment tools.
- Demonstrate understanding of the investment environment issues in the context of ethics and the legal framework.
- Illustrate the investment making decision process with regard to the asset allocation and diversification, risks and returns, time horizon, liquidity needs and investment objectives of the investor amongst the many considerations.