Course Code: GSP165


This course is for the layman who wants to have an understanding of some important aspects of the law that we commonly encounter in our daily lives. It aims to equip students with basic understanding of the application of legal principles and concepts so that they will understand legal terms and know their rights and obligations. It will thus help them make more informed decisions in matters governed by law and act in a manner that reduces their exposure and liability.
Level: 2.5
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: ALL SEMESTERS


  • Offer
  • Acceptance, intention to create legal relations
  • Consideration; vitiating factors
  • Breach of contract, remedies & conditions under which certain remedies are available
  • Valid marriage
  • Obligations of a married person; family violence
  • Nullity of marriage; dissolution of marriage divorce
  • Ancillary matters
  • Wills
  • Intestacy and the law of succession
  • Administration of personal estate before death: advance medical directive
  • Administration of personal estate before death: lasting power of attorney

Learning Outcome

  • Identify the basic principles of law in the selected areas of course study: Law of Contract, Family Law and the law relating to Wills & Probate, Administration and succession.
  • State the basic legal duties and obligations of a marriage and family between spouses, and parents & children.
  • Discuss the necessities and requirements involved with the ordering of personal matters of a deceased, with and without valid Wills.
  • Cite the principles of law that are set in motion by the breach of contract, the personal commitments in a family and the death of a person.
  • Apply the knowledge acquired to factual situations that one may encounter in the course of daily living and in the course of business dealings, whether personal or in the course of employment.
  • Explain the legal effects triggered by one’s actions and choices of action.