Course Code: GSP163


Media has become so much part of life that many take an uncritical approach to its underlying messages. However, media is not merely informational. Instead, it is a powerful force that shapes our realities and unconsciously influences the way we perceive ourselves and the world: it colours our understanding of society, politics, and culture. Throughout this course we will examine the ways media defines our perceptions and shapes our life experience. By making media consumption an active and critical process, students will see how media can also misrepresent and manipulate.
Level: 2.5
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: Every semester


  • What is Media?
  • Media Literacy
  • Advertising as the Engine
  • Consumers’ Strategies
  • What is Journalism?
  • The print media in Singapore
  • Media on steroids
  • The Internet vs the Singapore press
  • Entertainment and the influence of fiction
  • The Power of Advertising
  • What Advertisements really sell

Learning Outcome

  • List the various genres and forms that make up the conceptual organisation of media
  • Describe the functional characteristics of journalism
  • State the merits and critical issues surrounding advertisements
  • Explain the lasting influence of television on media consumption
  • Demonstrate an awareness of what critical media literacy entails (5 core concepts)
  • Develop a comprehension of the methods which producers use to influence