Course Code: FTH525


FTH525 Computer Network Security and Cybersecurity in Fintech commences with an overview of network structures, detailing components and layer functions in computer networks. It discusses primary types of network attacks and identifies critical targets of network communication security. The course presents various interpretations of "cybersecurity," including the framework by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Additionally, it provides a concise overview of cryptography and the types of data necessitating protection. A key focus is the examination of the relationship between cryptocurrency, blockchain, and cybersecurity. These components collectively prepare students to understand the significance of securing computer networks and formulate strategies to counteract threats effectively. FTH525 计算机网络安全与 金融科技以网络结构概述开篇,详细介绍了计算机网络中的组件和层功能,并讨论了网络 攻击的主要类型和网络通信安全的关键目标。本课程介绍了对“网络安全”的各种解释, 包括美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST) 的框架。此外,它简要概述了密码学和需要保护 的数据类型,重点关注于加密货币、区块链和网络安全之间的关系。这些内容旨在帮助学 生理解确保计算机网络安全的重要性并制定有效应对威胁的策略。
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Overview of Computer Network Structures in Fintech 金融科技中计算机网络结构概述
  • Cybersecurity Frameworks: NIST and Beyond 网络安全框架:NIST 及其他
  • Classification of Network Attacks and Their Targets 网络攻击的分类及其目标
  • Cryptography Fundamentals in Network Security 网络安全中的密码学基础
  • Securing Data in Fintech: Types and Techniques 金融科技中的数据保护:类型和技术
  • Cybersecurity Strategies for Financial Technology Applications 金融科技应用的网络安全策 略
  • Cryptocurrency and Blockchain in the Context of Cybersecurity 加密货币和区块链在网络安 全中的应用
  • Network Communication Security in Fintech 金融科技中的网络通信安全
  • Advanced Cybersecurity Measures for Fintech Environments 金融科技环境中的高级网络安 全措施
  • Risk Assessment and Management in Fintech Cybersecurity 金融科技网络安全的风险评估 和管理
  • Emerging Trends and Challenges in Fintech Cybersecurity 金融科技网络安全的新兴趋势和 挑战
  • Case Studies: Cybersecurity Solutions in Fintech 案例研究:金融科技中的网络安全解决方 案

Learning Outcome

  • Compare various cybersecurity frameworks, including the NIST framework, for their effectiveness in fintech applications 比较各种网络安全框架(包括NIST 框架)在金融 科技应用中的有效性
  • Judge different types of network attacks and their primary targets 判断不同类型的网络攻 击及其主要目标
  • Estimate the relationship between cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and cybersecurity 评估加密货币、区块链技术和网络安全之间的关系
  • Evaluate the structure and functions of computer networks and their components in the context of fintech 评估金融科技背景下计算机网络及其组件的结构和功能
  • Formulate strategies to secure computer networks against potential cybersecurity threats 制定策略以保护计算机网络免受潜在网络安全威胁
  • Design and implement effective cybersecurity measures tailored to the unique needs of fintech environments 针对金融科技环境的独特需求,设计并实施有效的网络安全措 施