Course Code: EAS433
The course provides in the first part, an insight into the challenges and trends in the aerospace industry which is in constant evolution. The second part discusses sustained and efficient change management techniques commonly used by the aerospace industry.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
- Core concepts in change management
- Recognizing and diagnosing the need for change
- Managing the people issues
- Shaping implementation strategies and managing the transition
- Keeping the change on track
- Case studies on aerospace engineering change management
Learning Outcome
- Appraise the complex field of change management and relate relevant theories to practical examples and exercises.
- Evaluate the knowledge connected to the theory and management of change within the context of a process model of change.
- Distinguish between sense making – drawing on different perspectives of organizational functioning.
- Distinguish between ways of knowing – sources of data and evaluating evidence.
- Distinguish between shaping behaviours – ways of influencing and coordinating behaviour.
- Distinguish between designing interventions – ways of doing that purposely disrupt the status quo in order to move the organization towards a more effective state.
- Analyze change in an organization through action research, appreciative inquiry, training and development, high performance management, business process re-engineering, lean, restructuring for strategic gain in mergers and acquisitions and merging groups for enhanced performance.
- Rate effectiveness of change through constant review.
- Evaluate issues arising for internally planned and externally imposed organisational changes.
- Verify how people can facilitate or resist change and extend students ability to manage human resources in the context of change.