Course Code: CHS354
Chinese drama is an integral part of traditional Chinese literature and culture. The earliest forms of Chinese drama in Southeast Asia were likely to be local operas from Guangdong and Fujian. As early as the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty in the 13th century, officers and soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty, who had lost hope of recovering their country, fled and settled in today's Southeast Asia, bringing along with them local opera from their hometown as a form of entertainment, hereby heralding the earliest spread of Chinese opera overseas. Through this course and a critical review of the literature, students will understand the origin, formation and development of classical opera. There will be an opportunity for practical experience of Chinese opera as an organism of comprehensive literature and art, allowing students to have a deeper understanding of Chinese classical opera and its development in Singapore.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every July
- The origin of Chinese drama 中华戏曲的起源:《大武》、《九歌》、傩
- Early Chinese drama: Nurture and formation 中华戏曲的孕育与形成
- Yuan Drama 关汉卿与《窦娥冤》、王实甫与《西厢记》:元代杂剧
- Development of Southern Opera in Song and Yuan Dynasties 高明与《琵琶记》:宋元南戏发展
- Development of opera in the Ming Dynasty 汤显祖与“临川四梦”:明代戏曲发展
- Qing Drama洪昇与《长生殿》、孔尚任与《桃花扇》:清代杂剧与传奇创作
- The rise of local opera in the Qing Dynasty 清代地方戏的兴起
- The Development of Peking Opera 京剧的发展历程
- Local Opera in Singapore 新加坡的地方戏曲: “粤剧的第二故乡”
- Teochew Opera and Singapore Street Wayang 老赛桃源潮剧团与新加坡的街戏
- Hokkien Opera and Singapore Street Wayang 新赛凤闽剧团与新加坡的街戏
- Ritual Theatre in Singapore local opera and 'Getai' of the Hungry Ghost Festival 新加坡地方戏中的酬神戏与七月歌台
- Innovation of Singapore Traditional Opera 新加坡传统戏曲的革新
Learning Outcome
- Examine the origin, formation and development of Chinese opera
- Illustrate the basic content of each type of opera in each developmental period
- Distinguish the characteristics and connotations of each type of opera in Singapore local opera
- Inspect the overseas dissemination of Chinese opera
- Analyze the development and innovation of traditional Chinese opera in Singapore
- Demonstrate ability to appreciate, read and critique literature of Chinese drama