Course Code: CHS306


Through extensive reading of Chinese classics, students will have a deeper understanding of the style and techniques employed by selected writers in their literary works, the flow and logic of the text and the principal ideas of the era that provided the contextual background. The selected texts consist of "Course Designated Works", which are compulsory readings and "Teacher Self- selected Works", which are selected by the course instructor. The content is not limited to the style of the literary work, but also involves on comparing the differences, similarities and uniqueness of Chinese classics. This course aims to improve students' appreciation of Chinese literature and form a strong foundation for Chinese writing.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Pre-Qin Era (1) 先秦文学:《九章·橘颂》
  • Pre-Qin Era (2) 先秦文学:《韩非子·说难》
  • Han Dynasty (1) 两汉文学:《饮马长城窟行》
  • Han Dynasty (2) 两汉文学:《垓下之围》
  • Wei-Jin, the Northern and Southern Dynasties (1) 魏晋南北朝文学:《白马篇》
  • Wei-Jin, the Northern and Southern Dynasties (2) 魏晋南北朝文学:《文选序》
  • Tang Dynasty (1) 唐代文学:《春江花月夜》
  • Tang Dynasty (2) 唐代文学:《封建论》
  • Song Dynasty (1) 宋代文学:《八声甘州·对潇潇暮雨洒江天》
  • Song Dynasty (2) 宋代文学:《答司马谏议书》
  • Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties (1) 元明清文学:《双调·大德歌》
  • Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties (2) 元明清文学:《狱中杂记》

Learning Outcome

  • Appraise the style and technique of Chinese classics
  • Examine the characteristics of the various literary genres and thoughts
  • Illustrate the writing profile of selected writers and their status in literary history
  • Analyze classic texts to grasp the multiple aspects of Chinese literary development
  • Distinguish the ideological and artistic characteristics of selected works
  • Apply knowledge from the course to improve Chinese writing skills