Course Code: CHS302
CHS302 examines Chinese intellectual thought strongly influencing each period of Chinese history. Students will study the mainstream ideas, origins and influences of the Han to Wei Jin, Sui and Tang, and Song and Ming Dynasties through selected texts, thus attaining a general survey of the development of Chinese thought. By analyzing the basic structure of Chinese philosophers’ ideological discourses of each period, students examine relevant ideas and connotations, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the ideologies, improving the ability to think independently and critically, thus developing awareness and interest in Chinese thought.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY
- Dong Zhongshu and Confucianism 董仲舒与儒术
- Yang Xiong and Wang Chong 杨雄与王充
- Metaphysics: He Yan and Wang Bi 正始玄学:何晏与王弼
- Ji Kang and Guo Xiang 从嵇康的自然到郭象的独化
- Metaphysics and Anti-Mysticism 玄学与反玄
- Introduction to Indian Buddhism 印度佛学概说
- Philosophy of the Tiantai School and Huayan School 天台宗与华严宗哲学
- Zen 禅宗
- Chinese Buddhism 中国佛教的传播与发展
- General Introduction to Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties 宋明儒学总论
- Five Scholars of the Northern Song Dynasty and Their Thought s北宋五子及其思想
- Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming 朱熹与王阳明
Learning Outcome
- Examine the proposition and characteristics of selected Chinese ideologies
- Distinguish the academic connotation and achievements of selected Chinese philosophers
- Appraise the context and evolution of Chinese thought development
- Illustrate the trajectory and substantive implications of Chinese intellectual thought
- Analyze the interaction between Chinese thoughts and their times, and the evolution and influence of their core concepts
- Apply knowledge learnt to improve the ability to read and comprehend classic Chinese texts