Course Code: CHS256
CHS256 explores the development of modern Taiwanese literature through the introduction of important writers and their works, the analysis of the use of language in the works of different writers in different periods, the formation of literary styles, and the artistic ideas displayed in literature. In addition, this course further explores the relationship between the internal development of literature and external history, society, culture, and international geopolitics, and from the perspective of East Asian, Southeast Asian, and even world literature. Students will experience critical reading of modern Taiwanese literature, and attempt to understand the trajectory of its development and the interaction between the development of literature and other fields.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every January
- Traditional Chinese Literature 传统汉文学
- Traditional Chinese Literature during the Japanese Occupation 日治时期传统汉文学
- The development of new literature 新文学的开展
- Taiwan Left-wing literature during the Japanese occupation 日治时期左翼文学
- Taiwan Exotic Literature during the Japanese Occupation 日治时期异国情调文学
- Taiwan Kou-Min Literature during the Japanese Occupation 日治时期皇民文学
- Taiwan Modernist Literature 现代主义文学
- Taiwan Nativist Literature 乡土文学
- Taiwan Postmodernist Literature 后现代主义文学
- Taiwan Postcolonial Literature 后殖民文学
- Taiwan Aboriginal Literature 台湾原住民文学
- Ecology and Nature Writing 生态与自然书写
Learning Outcome
- Explain the phenomenon of the development of modern Taiwanese literature
- Illustrate the formation of modern Taiwanese literary language, style and trend of thought
- Describe the history, culture, society and geopolitics behind the development of modern Taiwanese literature
- Analyse the literary style of important writers and their status in literary history
- Examine the relationship between literary development and history, culture, society and geopolitics
- Apply knowledge learnt to compare and contrast similar literary styles and the development of literary history