Course Code: CET313
This course CET313 Partnership & Performance Coaching aims to develop learners’ capabilities in leading and developing individuals. Learners will explore and understand the core concepts and theories of Emotional and Social Intelligence that supports the practice of coaching. Through live coaching with peers, open inquiry and deep listening, the GROW model and Performance coaching will be presented for action learning. Application begins in class as the self is put under the reflective light to articulate one’s personal goals and be coached, before one can coach others. Personal Mastery is translated to Team Learning as they bring the coaching structure back to the early childhood education centres, with their staff and peers, with the children in their care and with the parents.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every January
- Servant leadership and styles of leadership
- Introduction to Partnership & Performance (PP) coaching for people managers
- Emotional social intelligence & mindfulness
- GROW Framework in coaching for performance
- Three-centred Listening from the Head, Heart, Gut
- Art of Asking Powerful Questions
- Feedback with AID (Action, Impact, Desired Outcome) for Facilitating Growth Mindset
- Inner Game of Work
- The Total Results Triangle – Performance, Engagement, Learning
- Capacity-Interference Model
- Partnering Mindset for Coaching
- Keys to Flourishing with Practices of Open Inquiry, Deep Listening and Observing for Development and Performance
Learning Outcome
- Demonstrate understanding of emotional and social intelligence through the practice of coaching
- Compare the different styles of leadership and explain why coaching is considered to have lasting positive impact
- Identify opportunities for coaching practices in institutions to influence wellbeing of staff, and create and sustain positive cultures
- Develop a personal practice plan of goal setting, seeking and offering feedback and learning through active listening, open inquiry and observation
- Apply the GROW framework for coaching practice
- Practice the core skills of deep listening, observation and asking effective questions in coaching and engaging