Learning Technology and Services

The Learning Technology and Services (LTS) department supports SUSS' drive towards excellence and flexible learning by providing technical services, technology training and service desk support for our learning management systems, and spearheading the development of innovative mobile learning technologies and applications to enhance our students' learning experience.

LTS' key responsibilities include:

Learning Management System (LMS) Technical Services

  • Provide backend IT technical services for all learning systems and applications
  • Facilitate technical backend system support on new e-Learning initiatives
  • Evaluate new ICT solutions to enhance e-Learning infrastructure and services

Technology Training and Support

  • Conduct technology training for students, associates and faculty on the use of e-Learning services and mobile applications
  • Provide technical helpdesk support for all learning systems and applications
  • Facilitate preparation work for online course content and learning resources including publication of instructional materials (e.g. user guides, videos and frequently asked questions)
  • Evaluate emerging learning technologies and facilitate pilot trials on new e-Learning tools

Applications and Mobile Development

  • Design and develop new learning applications that complements flexible learning
  •  Provide technical support with the use of learning applications
  • Integrate and enable all learning systems and applications with mobile technologies
  •  Evaluate new viable platforms for applications and mobile development