Neo Yew Ron
Bachelor of Science in Marketing with Minor
Business Development Intern at Techspace Co., Ltd
Jun 2019 to Nov 2019
Neo Yew Ron (extreme right) at a Start-up Summit
An overseas internship has always been something I wanted to experience and upon discovering a work attachment opportunity in Bangkok, Thailand, I submit my application immediately. My WA in Bangkok was an interesting and exciting experience both professionally and culturally. I was provided the opportunity to launch a startup in a business development role. Beyond that, I was seen as a key integral founding member and was empowered I with the autonomy in decision making and planning the business direction.
As a result of my role and startup nature of the company, my tasks varied from building partnership, client acquisition and recruitment. While the modules I taken in school prepared me with theoretical foundations, there are situations and tasks where I need to figure my way out on my own. For instance, a university education would not be able to provide you with the roadmap to launch a startup. Hence, it required me to analyse the current company situation, business model, competition, and resources available to develop a feasible development roadmap for the company.
Besides gaining work experience, I also took away an understanding of numerous aspects of Thailand. These includes the Thai startup landscape, the influence and strength of Singaporean business community in Bangkok and the socio-cultural understanding of Thai society that shape employee-employer relationship and employee attitudes. However, the biggest takeaway are the friendship and relationships forged with my colleagues.
My overseas stint in Thailand has shown me the deep admiration the Thais have of Singaporeans and a deeper appreciation of the Thai culture. The culture immersion also surpass what tourists would typically get due to the duration and interaction with Thai locals. Hence, if anyone had the opportunity to do their WA overseas, I would strongly encourage them to take it up as it would probably be a once in a lifetime experience.
Neo Yew Ron (2nd row, 6th from left) with his colleagues