Tan Wee Huat

Bachelor of Science in Finance (Part-Time)
Intern at Panda Commercial Bank Plc. (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
Jun 2023 to Dec 2023


I am grateful for this opportunity to be able to have an overseas experience in Cambodia, even though there are certain stereotypes and misconceptions about this country that deserves to be clarified. In terms of financial support funding, for full-time students they are eligible for Global Ready Talent funding.  As a part-time student, I still chose this internship as the experience here is definitely worthwhile if you have an open mind and are willing to adapt. Panda Bank Commercial Bank - which is poised to be a leading digital bank in Cambodia, offers greater hands-on experience and the opportunities to co-design digital solutions for customers. I was also given opportunities to take on multiple roles that goes beyond my job scope that makes it ideal for learning. For instance, we recently successfully launched our Bakong system with the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) which is adjacent to PayNow in Singapore for seamless KHQR payments. Given that Cambodia is considered an emerging market and on a trajectory for greater growth, this immeasurable experience would be a great addition to anyone’s profile. The culture in Cambodia is very warm and welcoming which creates an inclusive environment that makes it easier to adapt. As the saying goes “You never know unless you have tried”, therefore I implore students who are looking for overseas internship opportunities to bank on Panda Commercial


  • My parents have an open mind to travel abroad and have new experiences. Having benefitted from overseas experiences, all I have to say is that I am a living testimony. The people in Cambodia are honest and warm. Curious parents are encouraged to visit Cambodia to see how the environment is like, and surely, they would perceive Cambodia from a new perspective.

  • Learning to live abroad also allows one to become more independent, teaches one to be financially prudent, and going out of one’s comfort zone

  • In reality, Cambodia and my Panda Bank experience are better than my idealist perspective. So far, I am enjoying my time here and getting to know local friends.

  • Cambodians are in general honest and kind, which creates a very welcoming environment. 

  • The most interesting story would be during my short getaway to Siem Reap. I was travelling with a local companion. Most locals assumed that I am a local Cambodian, and spoke to me in Khmer to which I responded in basic Khmer. The locals appreciated my interest to learn their language, and I have grown fond of the people and culture.