Nur Izyan Bte Ahmad

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education with Minor
Curriculum Developer Intern at Singapore Experiential Education (SEEd) Academy
(Jakarta, Indonesia)
Jun 2023 to Jul 2023


As an intern at SEED Academy, I was entrusted to develop a curriculum map, a thematic web and lesson plans along with my peers. During this period, my peers and I worked together to develop a relevant curriculum map and thematic web to guide future teachers of SEED Academy on creating lesson plans.  In addition, we set-up and facilitate the school’s open house, create teaching aids according to the lesson plans, as well as prepare the learning environment (classrooms) and activities for holiday programme. Additionally, I participated in a roadshow to showcase the SEED Academy’s programmes.

Throughout my internship journey, I was guided by extremely approachable and patient work supervisors and colleagues, who provided coaching on technical matters and imparted life skills to me. In view of the multiple tasks assigned to me, I have acquired multi-tasking skills. I am grateful that my work supervisor and colleagues were very encouraging, and improve on myself. One of my key takeaways from this internship is learning how to incorporate different class management skills that I have observed from the teachers in SEED Academy during the activities. It is always eye-opening to observe how different teachers have different strategies of class management that they have altered to work best for them and their children. This overseas experience also allowed me to better understand the Indonesian culture and provoked my thinking as to how I could incorporate elements of different cultures in my practices as an early childhood educator in Singapore as many preschools in Singapore consist of children from different countries.
