Ngo Ee Ying
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
Curriculum Developer Intern at Singapore Experiential Education (SEEd) Academy
(Jakarta, Indonesia)
Jun 2023 to Jul 2023

My experience during my Overseas Work Attachment (OWA) in Jakarta was very fruitful. It provided me with a unique insight into the early childhood sector. Most of my ECE peers complete their SUSS practicums and Work Attachments in assistant teaching positions at local kindergartens and childcare centres by managing classroom responsibilities. Contrastingly, the OWA opportunity revolved around developing a curriculum and lesson plans for the preschool, which involved curriculum mapping, unpacking learning plans, and setting up the learning environment. Hence, the OWA was a unique opportunity to participate in a curriculum development work attachment, which allowed me to utilise my creativity and understanding of children’s holistic learning. Furthermore, the OWA being in Southeast Asia also allowed us to receive funding from the Global Ready Talent Programme, which reimbursed most living and travel expenses.
Initially, when I shared my interest in the programme with my parents, they were concerned about my safety overseas. However, my Work Attachment Supervisor from SUSS reassured them that there were preparations to ensure the safety and well-being of all WA students. With an extensive understanding of transportation and living arrangements, my family supported me in pursuing this opportunity, as the international experience would strengthen my insights into the industry and greatly enhance my resume.
The OWA also included hands-on experience with the operations of an early childhood education centre. I facilitated open-house activities, learnt about their marketing approaches and gave the team suggestions on classroom design and materials required. Being physically present in Indonesia allowed us to develop open-mindedness and consider different cultural contexts firsthand when interacting with Indonesian children, families and staff. Being deeply involved in the preparation for the school’s opening, the local staff were generous in explaining how operations in Jakarta differed from Singapore. Apart from understanding Jakarta’s working culture, I also developed a love for its people and food. Everyone we interacted with was amiable and warm, and I enjoyed interacting with the locals in my neighbourhood. My fellow OWA interns and I also enjoyed the vast array of Indonesian food, like Soto Betawi and Satay Taichan.
I would recommend an OWA experience to other SUSS students, as the overseas experience offered an exciting opportunity to view my early childhood education in a different environment. Having a global perspective on my major make me stand out amongst my peers across universities. Having accumulated new knowledge and skills in childhood education in an overseas community, I have fuelled my interest in re-shaping children’s learning for the benefit Singapore’s Early Childhood Education landscape.