Programme Code: DBA


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The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme offered by of Business of the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) focuses on training students to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in selected management areas. With the training provided in this programme, entrepreneurs, senior management executives, and mid-career industrial practitioners are expected to develop rigorous and structural thinking process, acquire deeper knowledge and advanced research methodologies, and cultivate analytical skills that enable them to investigate and solve complex management problems and support strategy formulation.

The DBA curriculum offers exposure to knowledge relevant to the digital economy and provides students with a choice of management courses or a mix of multi-disciplinary courses to suit their applied research objectives. The programme is supported by a flexible learning environment that draws its benefits from SUSS's close linkage with industries.

The global economy is experiencing considerable uncertainty and challenges brought about by technological advancement and innovations, and changes in political landscapes and national demography. Managers and leaders need to develop a strategic mindset and global insights to address problems created by increasing economic volatility. The DBA programme is designed to produce graduates that are able to drive thought leadership in organisational change and organisational development, and effectively meet the challenges that disruptive technologies will bring to the economy.

Unique Features of the Programme

  • The programme provides graduates with in-depth training to develop rigorous and structural thinking process, cultivate analytical skills, and develop a strategic mindset and global insights.
  • The programme enables graduates to investigate and solve complex management problems, support , and drive thought leadership and innovation.
  • The curriculum design emphases sustainability, social responsibility and ethical practices of business operations.
  • It is an English Chinese bilingual programme. Students can benefit from SUSS's flexible teaching & learning environment, close industry linkages and opportunities to participate in overseas immersion courses.
  • SUSS DBA faculty and supervisors have an outstanding and diverse background across various industries. The faculty hold extensive teaching and research experiences.





  • 本项目将为学生提供深入的思维训练,培养其严格和结构化的思维模式,培养定量分析的能力,培养战略性思维和全球洞察力。
  • 本项目的学习使学生能够对复杂的管理问题进行调查研究从而提出解决方案,制定实证支持的战略规划,引领企业创新和思维模式的改变。
  • 本项目的课程设置强调企业的可持续发展,企业对社会承担的责任和商业运行中的道德规范。
  • 本项目是一个中英文双语项目,学生的学习过程将受益于新加坡社科大学灵活的教学环境,与工业界建立的紧密联系,以及本项目的海外沉浸式课程学习体验。
  • 本项目的师资团队实力雄厚,大多具有资深行业背景和丰富的应用型研究和教学经验。这能为学生今后的职业生涯提供强大助力。 

Programme Structure

DBA students are required to complete 40 coursework (30 disciplinary knowledge courses and 10 research methodology courses) and submit a doctoral dissertation. Courses will mostly be held on 3 to 7 consecutive days including weekends from to . The DBA Programme arranges an overseas study trip every year, providing students with the opportunity to participate in immersive and practical business experiences. These include lectures, seminars, workshops, talks by invited guest speakers, site visits, etc.

Upon the completion of 30 coursework, students are awarded the Graduate Diploma in Business. After the completion of an additional 10 coursework, students are required to successfully complete a qualifying examination (QE) in order to be granted DBA candidacy. DBA candidates are required to undertake an applied research project that culminates in a dissertation at the doctorate level. The dissertation should produce output via original applied research that is relevant to industry/professional practice and advances knowledge in these areas. Upon successfully defending their dissertations in the dissertation examination, candidates will be awarded DBA degree.

The minimum candidature period for DBA is 3 years and the maximum candidature period is 7 years.


学生需要完成40学分的课程(包括30学分的学科知识课程(Disciplinary Knowledge Course)和10学分的研究方法课程(Research Methodology Course),以及提交博士论文。每年DBA 项目还会组织同学进行海外游学活动,深入实践;海外游学包括讲座,研讨会,工作坊,特邀演讲嘉宾讲座,实地考察等。

完成30学分课程后,学生将被授予商学研究生文凭。完成额外10学分课程后,学生需要顺利通过博士资格考试(Qualifying Examination)以获得博士学位候选人资格(DBA Candidacy)。

博士学位候选人需要进行一个应用课题的研究,并撰写论文。论文要求应达到博士水平。博士论文需体现应用研究的原创性,研究课题需与工业界或者行业现行的实践有关,研究成果能够推进这些领域知识的发展。在成功通过博士论文考试和答辩后(Dissertation Examination and Defence),博士学位候选人将会获得新加坡社科大学DBA博士学位。




Admission Requirements

Applicants to the DBA programme need to fulfil the following criteria for admission:

  • A MBA or EMBA or a Master's degree in relevant disciplines.
  • A minimum of five years of work experience.
  • Applicants with relevant work experience but with other qualifications will be considered on an individual basis.
  • Depending on the proposed research topic, specific relevant work experience will be an asset.
  • A resume/CV form, please follow the template available here
  • A research proposal, highlighting:
    • research questions;
    •  motivation;
    •  how would society benefit from the findings;
    • how do you plan to conduct the research
    Please follow the research proposal template.
  • Two reference letters on the character of the applicant as well as achievements and capabilities of the applicant. Referees are required to submit the reference letters directly to the Graduate Studies department at [email protected] using the reference letter template available here.
  • Shortlisted applicants will be required to undergo one or more interviews.

This programme is open to Singapore citizens and permanent residents, as well as international students.

All applications are considered individually on merit, and the offer of admission is dependent on the number of places available in individual programmes. Admission is solely at the discretion of SUSS and the decision is final and binding. SUSS reserves the right to refuse admission and is not obliged to offer an explanation for the non-admission of unsuccessful candidates.


  • 具有工商管理硕士(MBA)或者高级工商管理硕士(EMBA)或者相关学科的硕士学位
  • 不少于5年的工作经验
  • 具有其他学位资格但拥有相关工作经验的申请人将会被个别考虑
  • 申请者提交的博士论文研究课题,若具备相关的工作经验,将对申请有利
  • 请填写简历表,此处下载
  • 博士论文研究课题,重点突出
    • 研究问题;
    • 研究动机;
    • 研究结果如何让社会受益;
    • 您打算如何进行研究
  • 两封推荐信,主要对于申请者的个性,个人成就和能力进行评价;推荐人请直接将推荐信发至研究生事务处电邮 [email protected],推荐信模板请在此处下载
  • 候选申请人将会被要求参加面试。


录取结果取决于该项目的剩余录取名额。新加坡社科大学招生委员会的决定是最终的,具有约束力的。 大学保留拒绝录取的权利,并且没有义务为申请不成功的候选人提供解释。

Financial Assistance

The University offers course fee concession for selected graduate programmes. Please click here for more details.
