Programme Code: GSP-MAJ1


The General Studies Programme is a multi-disciplinary programme that allows students to customise the curriculum and read courses according to their needs. Students may pick courses from one of many fields of study, with the resulting programme being specialised or multi-disciplinary in nature. The General Studies Programme offers a vast selection of courses from the humanities to the sciences, ranging from machine learning and fintech, to human resource management and design thinking courses.

No other tertiary programme offers you the range of courses like SUSS does, from our four schools, over 30 programmes and more than 700 courses to choose from. Many of these courses are unrestricted by discipline or level. With the General Studies Programme, you are the architect of your course of study.

As part of SUSS's commitment to lifelong learning, the General Studies Programme is strongly aligned with the university's social mission of 'inclusive opportunities' by creating pathways for people from all backgrounds.

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Programme Structure

Students are required to complete a total of 130 credit units (cu) to graduate with a basic degree, inclusive of 20 cu of SUSS Core courses.

The breakdown of the cu to be completed is:

• 20 cu of SUSS Core courses
• 80 cu of Elective courses
• 30 cu of one minor

Elective courses can be used to take up to 2 minors (30 cu each). Students must complete at least 40 cu of level 2 and above courses.

Financial Assistance

There are also various types of financial aid available to students who need financial assistance. Please click here for more details.

Senior citizens will enjoy concessionary course fees for the General Studies Programme:

  • 10% for those aged 50 to 59, and
  • 20% for those aged 60 and above

The above concessions are not applicable to students enrolled in the Singapore University of Social Sciences scholarship and sponsorship schemes, students who are eligible for SkillsFuture Enhanced Fee Subsidy and courses offered with external institutions/organisations.