Youth Work Association Singapore

The Youth Work Association Singapore (YWAS) was started by a band of veteran youth work practitioners who felt the need to distinguish youth work as a distinctive practice, in the late 2000s.

The Youth Work Association Singapore (YWAS) was started by a band of veteran youth work practitioners who felt the need to distinguish youth work as a distinctive practice, in the late 2000s. YWAS was formally registered as a society with the Registry of Societies in March 2012. The founding committee comprised veteran youth work practitioners from various youth-serving organisations, including social service agencies, self-help groups as well as faith-based organisations. YWAS’ mission is to advocate for, set benchmarks, and celebrate the cause of youth work in Singapore. Membership is open to all involved in engaging or reaching out to youth, regardless of setting. YWAS is also actively engaged in harnessing regional and international collaboration possibilities with other youth serving organisations. It is a key member of the Commonwealth Alliance of Youth Worker Associations (CAYWA).

On 23 August 2021, SUSS and YWAS signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly develop training courses under SUSS's Graduate Diploma in Youth Work, to better equip those who work with youths.