Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan

Founded in 1929, Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan (TPIHK) is the largest Chinese clan association, representing some 700,000 Teochew people in Singapore.

Founded in 1929, Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan (TPIHK) is the largest Chinese clan association, representing some 700,000 Teochew people in Singapore. TPIHK has a membership strength of more than 5,000 local Teochews.

It strives to cultivate friendship and fellowship among the members of each Teochew District, and to keep in touch with other local and overseas societies and Huay Kuans. It further dedicates its activities and initiatives to foster the spirit of mutual aid, cooperation and unity among the members; to carry out charitable works; to promote traditional virtues; to popularise the Teochew’s cultural and educational activities; and to facilitate exchanges and networking among Teochew businessmen and professionals, both locally and abroad.

TPIHK has seven functional committees to execute its roles, viz., the Culture and Education, Membership, Local and International Affairs, Youth, Women, Business Investments and Charities Committees.

On 4 November 2022, TPIHK, Singapore Kityang Huay Kwan and SUSS signed an MOU to develop a customised run of SME REN for Huay Kuan members who are entrepreneurs.