Institute for Human Resource Professionals

The Institute for Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) was set up by the tripartite partners – Ministry of Manpower, National Trades Union Congress and Singapore National Employers Federation to professionalise and strengthen the HR practice in Singapore. IHRP implements a number of national human capital programmes, such as IHRP Certification, Skills Framework for HR, and Human Capital Diagnostics Tool (HCDT). IHRP has the goal of setting the HR standards of excellence, developing HR as a strategic enabler of business and workforce transformation, and fostering a vibrant HR services eco-system to drive innovation and change. Through the IHRP Certification and other national programmes, IHRP aims to enhance the competencies of HR professionals, as well as create developmental and professional pathways for them. This will professionalise and strengthen the HR practice in Singapore, allowing HR professionals to be key enablers in their organisations. IHRP partners with government agencies, tripartite organisations, and the human capital development eco-system, including IHLs and private providers, to drive the adoption of progressive human capital practices in Singapore.
On 28 July 2021, SUSS and IHRP signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on the delivery of training in HCDT Lite for SUSS’s Enterprise Leadership for Transformation programme participants.