ARIS Integrated Medical Pte Ltd

Aris Integrated Medical (Aris) is a medical company that integrates training, services and products relevant to clients challenged constantly by uncertainties, such as disasters and emergencies, which may hamper business continuity.

Aris Integrated Medical (Aris) is a medical company that integrates training, services and products relevant to clients challenged constantly by uncertainties, such as disasters and emergencies, which may hamper business continuity. It has provided emergency medical consultation and training to multinational corporations, major hotels and facility management companies, where emergency medical response in crisis is vital to loss prevention and business continuity. Aris has also been engaged by government agencies in the provision of tactical and operational medical training to further enhance operational capabilities.

On 20 December 2016, SUSS sealed a partnership with Aris to jointly develop and deliver a course entitled ‘Trauma First Responder Programme’ to UniSIM undergraduates in the School of Science and Technology. Students in the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering, and the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering with Paramedicine and Emergency Response programmes, who complete both parts of the course, will be awarded full certification by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.